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Building Modernity Based on Internal Evidence and a View Encompassing East Asia, along with the Criticism Thereof: Jiang Wei-qiao and the Okada-style Seiza Meditation
作者 廖赤陽
Jiang Wei-qiao advocated the practice of jing zuo (quiet sitting meditation) for modifying the national character in early 20th century. However, this method was strongly criticized as unscientific by the people in the country's mainstream intellectual sphere. In response to this criticism, Jiang Wei-qiao sought from Japan evidence of the scientificity and modernity of seiza meditation and, introduced the Okada-style Meditation to China. Okada Torajiro himself originally had strong misgivings about the emergence of westernization in the Meiji period and about the attendant inflow of modern science, adopting a strongly critical stance. To clarify his doubts, however, he went to the United States, where he was exposed to the Society of Friends' (Quaker) mind-body intervention and its philosophy. Influenced by this, Okada returned to Japan and invented the Okada-style Meditation. In this manner, the Western mind-body intervention method was transmitted via Japan to China, where, however, the practice was criticized by Chinese intellectuals as being a longstanding tradition of their own country. This case shows that, during this process of transmission, elements such as tradition and modernity and East and West, while forcefully colliding, mutually crossed boundaries and became intertwined. Therefore, in addition to making efforts to depart from stereotypical dichotomies such as ''traditional China vs. modern West,'' we need to closely study the similarities among the internal experiences of the meditators themselves, as these are the very sources from which their philosophies emerged.
起訖頁 99-154
關鍵詞 蔣維喬因是子靜坐法岡田式靜坐法氧功養生中日關Jiang WeiqiaoYinshizi JingzuoOkada Style Seiza MedicationQigongChina-Japan Relations
刊名 思與言  
期數 202103 (59:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 論王龍溪「一念之微」之工夫義
該期刊-下一篇 牟宗三與勞思光論朱子學中是否有「本質」概念:以韓國儒學的論爭為例




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