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Perspective on the Meaning of Self-Cultivation about Wang Longxi's ''Subtle Thought''
作者 張莞苓
Wang Longxi attached importance to ''subtle thought''. But several problems arose when ''thought'' was integrated with reality and cultivation of conscience. First, what is the relationship between ''thought'' and ''will''? Second, is the practice of ''subtle thought'' only applicable to the ''xian tian zheng xin zhi xue'' of ''natural endowments''? Third, is ''subtle thought'' belong to substance or function, reality or cultivation? Forth, exactly what kind of practice is ''subtle thought''? The topic will be approached from three aspects. First, to confer the relationship between Wang Longxi's ''thought'' and ''will'', and presenting the blend of them. Second, to discuss the meanings of ''xian tian zheng xin zhi xue'' and ''hou tian cheng yi zhi xue'', and pointing out the similarities and differences between Wang Longxi's statements and Wang Yangming's ''ge zhi cheng zheng'' of ''Great Learning''. Third, discussing the orientation of ''substance-Function'' and ontological discipline about ''thought''. ''Xian tian zheng xin zhi xue'' includes the two meanings of ''comprehend instantly'' and ''eliminat after inspection'', but they are both inseparable from ''subtle thought''. Although ''subtle thought'' is related to conscience, it still belongs to the part of function. The meaning of self-cultivation about Wang Longxi's ''subtle thought'' will not be nothingness.
起訖頁 57-98
關鍵詞 王龍溪一念之微,意與念先天正心後天誠意Wang LongxiSubtle ThoughtThought and WillXian Tian Zheng XinHou Tian Cheng Yi
刊名 思與言  
期數 202103 (59:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 《莊子》的解構哲學與他者倫理
該期刊-下一篇 東亞語境與內證體驗中的近代性構築與批判:蔣維喬與岡田式靜坐法




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