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台灣日本語文學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Error Analyses in Japanese Verb Sentence for Taiwanese Students: Based on Writing Database
作者 黃淑妙関口要
The purpose of this study is to identify common errors and causes of those errors about passive sentences, Verbs of Giving and Receiving (Yari-morai), intransitive and transitive verbs and potential expressions in verb sentences that appeared in the Writing Database by Taiwanese Learners of Japanese. The authors considered that the errors were made by reason of mother tongue interference, failure to thoroughly understand the target language rules and other careless mistakes.The result of our analysis shows that the most errors in passive expressions usage, the learners used active voice instead of positive voice, in Verbs of Giving and Receiving usage they misused Te-kureru, in intransitive and transitive verb usage they tend to use transitive verb instead of intransitive verb.Regarding the interference of mother tongues, t hat errors were mostly caused by the linguistic differences between Japanese and Mandarin. Although we observed that mother tongue interference is a major factor of the errors, it is not the sole factor. We hope that this study could help not only Japanese-language education but also other Japanese language studies.
起訖頁 389-411
關鍵詞 Writing Database by Taiwanese Learners of JapaneseError AnalysisMother Tongue InterferenceOmissionAlternating Form
刊名 台灣日本語文學報  
期數 200512 (20期)
出版單位 台灣日本語文學會
該期刊-上一篇 新聞節目聽力訓練之嘗試──以NHK「週刊兒童新聞」為中心
該期刊-下一篇 電腦輔助日語學習之學習成效




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