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日語名詞並列詞組中之「E」重複形的句法特徵探討(A Study on the NP Coordinated Structure and Repetitive Coordinator ''TO '')
作者 徐佩伶
"本論文以語意及句法的觀點分析日語中「七」名詞並列詞組的結構,並探討並列連詞「E」重複形的句法特徵。「」重複形在益,田達(2006),Fukui and Sakai(2003),Vermeulen(2008)等文獻中認為為單純的複製,在句法上不具有實質的功能。對此Asada(2014)則主張該重複的「E」為焦點標誌,透過焦點的語意來解釋句子的文法性。本文先從「E」名詞並列詞組在句子中所觀察到歧義性出發討論該歧義與範域解釋(Scope)的關聯性,同時主張不同的範域解釋是透過句法操作而衍生出來。再者,本文亦透過方·广交替、分裂句,片段語答句,名詞省略等句法現象討論「七」重複形在句中所扮演的角色,並統一說明「E」重複形的句法特徵。
This study focuses on NP coordinated structures headed by To in Japanese and attempts to clarify the syntactic characteristics of the repetitive coordinator ''To' (simply called RC-To). RC-To has been considered as a phonologically optional element in most literatures (Fukui and Sakai 2003, Masuoka and Takubo 2006, Vermeulen 2008). However, Aasada (2014) analyzes it as a focus particle implicating exhaustive specification. In this study, we start with ambiguous sentences and show that the ambiguity can be captured by scope, which is related to syntactic structure. RC-To seems to play a significant role in terms of syntactic movement in Ga/No conversion, (pseudo-)cleft constructions, fragment answers and NP ellipsis, and hence should be given a unified account."
本論文以語意及句法的觀點分析日語中「七」名詞並列詞組的結構,並探討並列連詞「E」重複形的句法特徵。「」重複形在益,田達(2006),Fukui and Sakai(2003),Vermeulen(2008)等文獻中認為為單純的複製,在句法上不具有實質的功能。對此Asada(2014)則主張該重複的「E」為焦點標誌,透過焦點的語意來解釋句子的文法性。本文先從「E」名詞並列詞組在句子中所觀察到歧義性出發討論該歧義與範域解釋(Scope)的關聯性,同時主張不同的範域解釋是透過句法操作而衍生出來。再者,本文亦透過方·广交替、分裂句,片段語答句,名詞省略等句法現象討論「七」重複形在句中所扮演的角色,並統一說明「E」重複形的句法特徵。
This study focuses on NP coordinated structures headed by To in Japanese and attempts to clarify the syntactic characteristics of the repetitive coordinator ''To' (simply called RC-To). RC-To has been considered as a phonologically optional element in most literatures (Fukui and Sakai 2003, Masuoka and Takubo 2006, Vermeulen 2008). However, Aasada (2014) analyzes it as a focus particle implicating exhaustive specification. In this study, we start with ambiguous sentences and show that the ambiguity can be captured by scope, which is related to syntactic structure. RC-To seems to play a significant role in terms of syntactic movement in Ga/No conversion, (pseudo-)cleft constructions, fragment answers and NP ellipsis, and hence should be given a unified account.
起訖頁 41-64
關鍵詞 並列連詞「比」重複形名詞並列句範距位移Repetitive Coordinator ''TO''NP coordinated StructureScopeSyntactic Movement「と」重複形名詞句等位節スコープ移動
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 202106 (41期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 全球時代視域下的生態女性主義視點閱讀多和田葉子《來自星星的訊息》:聚焦於「神的孩子都在跳舞」含意(Reading Yoko Tawada's ''Implied by the Stars'' from the Perspective of Ecofeminism in the Age of Globalization:On the Meaning of ''All God's Children Dance '')
該期刊-下一篇 從日本文化理解教育的觀點探討「Omotenashi」──利用漫畫為素材的可視化試行(A Study on ''Omotenashi'' from the Perspective of the Education for Understanding the Japanese Culture-A Visualization Trial Using Manga Materials)




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