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篇名 |
從日本文化理解教育的觀點探討「Omotenashi」──利用漫畫為素材的可視化試行(A Study on ''Omotenashi'' from the Perspective of the Education for Understanding the Japanese Culture-A Visualization Trial Using Manga Materials)
並列篇名 |
日本文化理解教育のための「おもてなし」に関する──考察ーマンガを素材とした可視化の試み |
作者 |
林蔚榕 |
中文摘要 |
"「Omotenashi」是反映日本精神文化的高品質服務,也是日語教學中理解日本文化時,經常被提起的主題。但是,海外的日語學習者對其理解,大多停留在「真心款待」之類的抽象概念,對於具體款待行為的掌握往往只有大略的印象。因此,本研究首先藉由相關文獻探討「Omotenashi」精神面的特質及其行動樣式等基本概念,進而以日本漫畫作品為素材,從中擷取能夠表現出「Omotenashi」精神層面的行動場面進行分析。分析流程上,首先說明登場人物與場面設定,接著分析該場面的接待行為及其應有的態度,藉此讓「=Omotenashi」的非可視及可視部分更加鮮明。期望本研究成果可以作為理解日本文化的素材,對日語教育有所貢獻。 ''Omotenashi'', which means providing high-quality services, can reflect the Japanese spiritual culture and is one of the topics often mentioned in education of the Japanese language for understanding the Japanese culture. However, the understanding of this word of Japanese learners outside Japan often stops at the abstract concept of ''treating hospitably and whole-heartedly'', with only a rough impression on the behaviors of hospitality. Therefore, this study first explores the psychological properties of ''omotenashi'' and fundamental concepts such as action patterns and then selects action scenes which can present the psychological aspect of ''omotenashi'' from Japanese manga materials for analyses. The characters and settings of the scenes are introduced before analyzing the reception behaviors and proper attitudes in those scenes. This way, the visual and non-visual parts of ''omotenashi'' can be revealed more clearly. It is hoped that the findings of this study can be used as materials for understanding the Japanese culture, making contribution to the education of the Japanese language." |
英文摘要 |
「Omotenashi」是反映日本精神文化的高品質服務,也是日語教學中理解日本文化時,經常被提起的主題。但是,海外的日語學習者對其理解,大多停留在「真心款待」之類的抽象概念,對於具體款待行為的掌握往往只有大略的印象。因此,本研究首先藉由相關文獻探討「Omotenashi」精神面的特質及其行動樣式等基本概念,進而以日本漫畫作品為素材,從中擷取能夠表現出「Omotenashi」精神層面的行動場面進行分析。分析流程上,首先說明登場人物與場面設定,接著分析該場面的接待行為及其應有的態度,藉此讓「=Omotenashi」的非可視及可視部分更加鮮明。期望本研究成果可以作為理解日本文化的素材,對日語教育有所貢獻。 ''Omotenashi'', which means providing high-quality services, can reflect the Japanese spiritual culture and is one of the topics often mentioned in education of the Japanese language for understanding the Japanese culture. However, the understanding of this word of Japanese learners outside Japan often stops at the abstract concept of ''treating hospitably and whole-heartedly'', with only a rough impression on the behaviors of hospitality. Therefore, this study first explores the psychological properties of ''omotenashi'' and fundamental concepts such as action patterns and then selects action scenes which can present the psychological aspect of ''omotenashi'' from Japanese manga materials for analyses. The characters and settings of the scenes are introduced before analyzing the reception behaviors and proper attitudes in those scenes. This way, the visual and non-visual parts of ''omotenashi'' can be revealed more clearly. It is hoped that the findings of this study can be used as materials for understanding the Japanese culture, making contribution to the education of the Japanese language. |
起訖頁 |
65-95 |
關鍵詞 |
Omotenashi、可視化、日本漫畫、禮賓部、理解日本文化、Omotenashi、Visualization、Manga、Concierge,Understanding of Japanese Culture、おもてなし、可視化、日本マンガ、コンシェルジュ、日本文化理解 |
刊名 |
台大日本語文研究 |
期數 |
202106 (41期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
「と」名詞句等位節における「と」の重複形の統語的特徴 |