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全球時代視域下的生態女性主義視點閱讀多和田葉子《來自星星的訊息》:聚焦於「神的孩子都在跳舞」含意(Reading Yoko Tawada's ''Implied by the Stars'' from the Perspective of Ecofeminism in the Age of Globalization:On the Meaning of ''All God's Children Dance '')
作者 曾秋桂
This paper contrasts and compares Yoko Tawada's first and second works in her deliberately created trilogy, ''Dusted by Earth'' and ''Implied by a Star'' from the perspective of ecofeminism. As a result of the discussion, it was found that compared to the external eco-feminist issues that humanity on earth should face in the global age, which could be lumped together in ''Dusted on the Earth,'' ''Implied in the Stars'' focuses on the internal issues of the characters, ''heartbreak'' (weakness).Furthermore, the characters who can be seen as ''God's children'' and their ''dancing'' in the work remind me of Haruki Murakami's short story collection, ''All God's Children Can Dance''. In Haruki Murakami's ''All God's Children Can Dancing,'' he presents a formula for realizing the existence of trauma by confronting it, and developing the next step of action from there. In contrast, Yoko Tawada's ''Implied by a Star'' suggests that no matter how many boundaries humans draw between themselves to create walls and borders, from the perspective of the rest of the planet, they are just human beings living on a single ball called Earth. In this book, a prescription is presented that by ''dancing'' to the steps and pace of others, we can overcome our differences and disagreements. The prescriptions presented by Haruki Murakami and Yoko Tawada, both of whom are listed as Japanese candidates for the Nobel Prize in Literature from 2019, sound particularly meaningful as a way of life because we are living in the era of the Corona disaster."
This paper contrasts and compares Yoko Tawada's first and second works in her deliberately created trilogy, ''Dusted by Earth'' and ''Implied by a Star'' from the perspective of ecofeminism. As a result of the discussion, it was found that compared to the external eco-feminist issues that humanity on earth should face in the global age, which could be lumped together in ''Dusted on the Earth,'' ''Implied in the Stars'' focuses on the internal issues of the characters, ''heartbreak'' (weakness).Furthermore, the characters who can be seen as ''God's children'' and their ''dancing'' in the work remind me of Haruki Murakami's short story collection, ''All God's Children Can Dance''. In Haruki Murakami's ''All God's Children Can Dancing,'' he presents a formula for realizing the existence of trauma by confronting it, and developing the next step of action from there. In contrast, Yoko Tawada's ''Implied by a Star'' suggests that no matter how many boundaries humans draw between themselves to create walls and borders, from the perspective of the rest of the planet, they are just human beings living on a single ball called Earth. In this book, a prescription is presented that by ''dancing'' to the steps and pace of others, we can overcome our differences and disagreements. The prescriptions presented by Haruki Murakami and Yoko Tawada, both of whom are listed as Japanese candidates for the Nobel Prize in Literature from 2019, sound particularly meaningful as a way of life because we are living in the era of the Corona disaster.
起訖頁 21-40
關鍵詞 多和田葉子《來自星星的訊息》村上春樹《神的小孩子們都在跳舞》處方箋Yoko Tawada''Implied by a Star''Haruki Murakami,''All God's Children Can Dance''prescriptions多和田葉子『星に仄めかされて』村上春樹『神の子どもたちはみな踊る』処方
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 202106 (41期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 浮游記憶的深處:論石黑一雄《群山淡影》(In the Depth of Drifting Memory: Ishiguro's A Pale View of Hills)
該期刊-下一篇 「と」名詞句等位節における「と」の重複形の統語的特徴




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