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篇名 |
浮游記憶的深處:論石黑一雄《群山淡影》(In the Depth of Drifting Memory: Ishiguro's A Pale View of Hills)
並列篇名 |
浮遊する記憶の深淵──カズオ・イシグロ『遠い山なみの光』 |
作者 |
林淑丹 |
中文摘要 |
"石黑一雄首部長篇小說《群山淡影》以日本做為故事的舞台,發表後受到文壇極大的迴響。故事利用悦子,回想她昔日在長崎的時光,惟目前她人已在英國。不過悦子回憶自己在長崎生活的份量比較少,卻把重心放在她朋友佐知子和後者女兒萬里子身上的較多。這對母女曾目睹二次大戰期間的暴力和毅子的行為,使她們留下記憶的傷痕,即使戰後這些創傷依然存在。本文發掘重要人物微妙的角色結構,探究他們在社交互動中多重和多層面的特性。利用心理分析的角度,檢視佐知子逃離戰後日本的心理,不管其女兒家園被拔根的感受,從而用類比的方式重組悦子的生活型態。在本小說裡,戰時憂傷和漂流不定的痛苦扮演了吃重的情感部分。若是故事中人物被迫要移徙到另一國家,漂流、不安定和身分認同的反思會加劇惡化。故事在深層結構裡,這些元素成了石黑敘事和描畫的關鍵部分。這種相隔多層的淡化反射技巧造就了石黑一雄的「日本性」。 Kazuo Ishiguro's first novel A Pale View of Hills makes its setting in Japan. There were tremendous and positive responses soon after its publication.The story capitalizes on Etsuko's reminiscences of her previous stay in Nagasaki though now she is living in the U.K. Yet Etsuko recalls little of her own life but more of her friend Sachiko and the latter's daughter Mariko. Both the mother and daughter have witnessed the violence and killing of one's own child during WWII which left a deep scar in their memory. Even after the war, their trauma continues.This article probes into the intricate construct of the characters, investigating the social interaction of the multi-level and multi-nature of the main characters. Through psychoanalytic views, Sachiko's yearning to escape the aftermath Japan despite the uprooted feelings of her daughter is reconstructed to reflect the modus vivendi of Etsuko. Since war time distraught and drifting pains play an important role in the narration, most Japanese have been affected. The drifting in life, agony and reflection of identity aggravate when one is compelled to move to another country. At a deep level these elements form a crucial part of Ishiguro's narrative portrayal. Such reflexive ''paling effect'' offers some notions to Kazuo Ishiguro's ''Japaneseness.''" |
英文摘要 |
石黑一雄首部長篇小說《群山淡影》以日本做為故事的舞台,發表後受到文壇極大的迴響。故事利用悦子,回想她昔日在長崎的時光,惟目前她人已在英國。不過悦子回憶自己在長崎生活的份量比較少,卻把重心放在她朋友佐知子和後者女兒萬里子身上的較多。這對母女曾目睹二次大戰期間的暴力和毅子的行為,使她們留下記憶的傷痕,即使戰後這些創傷依然存在。本文發掘重要人物微妙的角色結構,探究他們在社交互動中多重和多層面的特性。利用心理分析的角度,檢視佐知子逃離戰後日本的心理,不管其女兒家園被拔根的感受,從而用類比的方式重組悦子的生活型態。在本小說裡,戰時憂傷和漂流不定的痛苦扮演了吃重的情感部分。若是故事中人物被迫要移徙到另一國家,漂流、不安定和身分認同的反思會加劇惡化。故事在深層結構裡,這些元素成了石黑敘事和描畫的關鍵部分。這種相隔多層的淡化反射技巧造就了石黑一雄的「日本性」。 Kazuo Ishiguro's first novel A Pale View of Hills makes its setting in Japan. There were tremendous and positive responses soon after its publication.The story capitalizes on Etsuko's reminiscences of her previous stay in Nagasaki though now she is living in the U.K. Yet Etsuko recalls little of her own life but more of her friend Sachiko and the latter's daughter Mariko. Both the mother and daughter have witnessed the violence and killing of one's own child during WWII which left a deep scar in their memory. Even after the war, their trauma continues.This article probes into the intricate construct of the characters, investigating the social interaction of the multi-level and multi-nature of the main characters. Through psychoanalytic views, Sachiko's yearning to escape the aftermath Japan despite the uprooted feelings of her daughter is reconstructed to reflect the modus vivendi of Etsuko. Since war time distraught and drifting pains play an important role in the narration, most Japanese have been affected. The drifting in life, agony and reflection of identity aggravate when one is compelled to move to another country. At a deep level these elements form a crucial part of Ishiguro's narrative portrayal. Such reflexive ''paling effect'' offers some notions to Kazuo Ishiguro's ''Japaneseness.'' |
起訖頁 |
1-20 |
關鍵詞 |
戰爭、跨國、漂流、記憶、日本性、War、Transnational、Drifting in life、Memory、''Japaneseness''、戦争、トランスネーション、漂流、記憶、「ジャパニーズネス」 |
刊名 |
台大日本語文研究 |
期數 |
202106 (41期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
全球時代視域下的生態女性主義視點閱讀多和田葉子《來自星星的訊息》:聚焦於「神的孩子都在跳舞」含意(Reading Yoko Tawada's ''Implied by the Stars'' from the Perspective of Ecofeminism in the Age of Globalization:On the Meaning of ''All God's Children Dance '') |