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A Product Planning Course that Inspires Students Coaching Each Other About Problem Thinking and Presentation
作者 黃儀婷
This article takes the third-year elective course ''Product Planning'' of the Department of Design as its teaching practice research course, with the participation of 20 students. The goal of the course was to culti-vate students' creative and practical abilities through the innovative design education method of ''prob-lem-oriented and commercial market practice'' using the ''by the students'' (BTS) core value. The curriculum development adopted a four-stage process, namely, curriculum analysis, design, implementation, and evalu-ation of the design and research methods. Through grouping, students and peers were able to cooperate and students coached each other throughout the different stages. This course uses a rigorous and layered training process to build product development and marketing knowledge, exercise analysis and proposal communi-cation skills, and participation in competitions to accumulate successful experience. Finally, four outstanding innovative product planning proposals were produced, all of which won awards in the national innovation and entrepreneurship competitions. The post-test selfevaluation numbers of students in teaching evaluation and UCAN ''marketing management'' professional functions were significantly higher than the pretest.
起訖頁 37-68
關鍵詞 合作學習商品企畫問題導向式學習(PBL)設計思考學生為主體(BTS)cooperative learningproduct planningproblem based learning (PBL)design thinkingby the students (BTS)
刊名 大學教學實務與研究學刊  
期數 202012 (4:2期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 以情悟道,深化教育──「詞選」生命化教學與創作能力之培養
該期刊-下一篇 獲獎與技轉兼備之創新教學模式




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