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大學教學實務與研究學刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Application of Both Award-Winning and Technology Transfer Innovative Methods of Teaching
作者 陳彥廷
"本篇創新教學報告是以筆者在國立臺灣科技大學教授「設計思考」、「概念商品化」與「軟體應用」課程為例,彙整近五年來創新教學之教材、教法與成果。教學上以三種創新教學法來增加同學學習成效:(一)問題導向式學習(problem based learning, PBL)+設計思考(design thinking)教學;(二)情境式+自造者教學;(三)遠距+翻轉教學。這些創新教學法獲得臺科大創新教學、遠距教學、PBL教學獎勵肯定,以下是教學成果兩大亮點:(一)教學成果量產技轉,8件技轉量產作品,授權金共新臺幣631,291元;(二)教學成果國際獲獎,共獲得416項國內外設計獎項,為全臺獲獎榜首。"
This study on innovative teaching is based on the ''Design Thinking, Concept Commercialization, and Design Software'' course I teach at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, which summarizes the class materials, teaching methods, and results of innovative teaching from the last five years. I have applied three innovative teaching methods to improve the learning effectiveness of students. (1) Problem based learning (PBL) + design thinking teaching; (2) Situated + maker education; (3) Distance education + flipped teaching. These innovative teaching methods have been awarded by NTUST for innovative teaching, distance education, and PBL teaching, and have produced two highlights in teaching: 1. Technology transfer of teaching results for mass production. A total of eight are available for technology transfer to be mass produced. A total of NT$ 631,291 in licensing fees and other benefits has been distributed to students and NTUST. 2. International awards of teaching results. The students who have taken the classes in the last five years have participated in international design competitions and won 416 domestic and international design awards.
起訖頁 69-96
關鍵詞 非同步遠距設計思考教學情境式教學問題導向式學習(PBL)翻轉教學distance educationdesign thinking teachingsituated learningproblem based learning (PBL)flipped teaching
刊名 大學教學實務與研究學刊  
期數 202012 (4:2期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 具啟發性的「商品企畫」課程:學生彼此互為問題思辨與提案教練
該期刊-下一篇 數理統計創新教學:資訊科技融入與數位學習網站實作之教學實踐歷程




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