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A Re-examination of the Development of the Modal and Temporal Meanings of Ying from Old to Middle Chinese
作者 巫雪如
Ying應and dang當are both modal verbs that were commonly used during the Wei魏, Jin晉and Southern and Northern dynasties. Both verbs can express deontic and epistemic modality, and in some cases they can be classified as a future marker. Since the types of modality and future meaning expressed by ying are similar to those of dang, and constructions where ying appears after dang are frequently used, scholars studying modal verbs in Middle Chinese have often compared the development and usage of ying with dang, and pointed out that the two words have many similarities. Many scholars have done in-depth research on the development of dang from verbs to modal verbs and future markers. Yet, research on ying is rare. This article investigates the development of the various meanings and usages of ying from Old to Middle Chinese. The conclusion reached from this investigation is that the original meaning of the verb ying was derived from the character ying, or breast. Since ones ying (breast) is situated at the front of the body, the verb ying was extended to indicate ''face'' as well as a kind of responsive action or behavior towards an object. Depending on the context and the responsive behavior, ying could be further extended to mean ''bearing,'' ''strike,'' ''handle,'' ''answer,'' ''adaptation,'' or ''correspondence.'' When the meaning ''correspondence'' is followed by VP, ying can induce both deontic and epistemic modality in
起訖頁 69-124
關鍵詞 情態動詞時間標記上古漢語中古漢語ying應modal verbtime markerOld ChineseMiddle Chinese
刊名 清華中文學報  
期數 202106 (25期)
出版單位 國立清華大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 春秋時代綴以「汭」為名之地考察──兼談〈曾侯與鐘〉「汭土」問題
該期刊-下一篇 漢語方言「老鼠,耗子,老蟲」等說法的分布及溯源




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