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The Connotation of Spiritual Healing in the Belief of God Xuantian and Emperor Guan Sheng
作者 張美櫻
Regarding the development and evolution of the beliefs of Xuantian God and Emperor Guan Sheng, the academic circles on both sides of the strait have rich research achievements. However, the core of the belief lies in the understanding between people and gods, that is, the gods respected by people, how to make believers feel their divine power With the help of them, these connotations of religious experience are not easy to present objectively in academic research, so there is no directly relevant research results. Although it is not easy to objectively show how the divine power of the gods is imposed on people, how people believe in the gods can be learned from the beliefs of people such as the cognition of gods. Connotation with the health of the mind. Regarding the human cognition of God, in the part of Xuantian God, the classics of Xuantian God and the legend of Xuantian God in Daozang are the main ones, and the connotation of faith and the connotation of spiritual health are explained. In the part of Guan Sheng Di Jun, the text of the book Guan Guan Di Jun Jun Bi Jing Jing, the Bible of Guan Sheng Di Jun Ming and the witnesses of Xing Tian Gong believers in the second series, ''The Mercy of the Lord and the Lord'' The connotation of spiritual healing of faith.
起訖頁 27-45
關鍵詞 玄天上帝關聖帝君心靈療育God XuantianEmperor Guan ShengSpiritual Healing
刊名 華人前瞻研究  
期數 202005 (16:1期)
出版單位 南洋文化學會
該期刊-上一篇 淺析體驗式行銷在新零售中的重要性
該期刊-下一篇 後香港時代九二共識的再思考




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