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The Importance of Experiential Marketing in New Retail Environment
作者 曾惠珠
With the sustained and rapid development of the economy, the retail industry has undergone tremendous changes. With its market share is shrinking day by day,the traditional retail industry has been strongly impacted by e-commerce, while the online retail industry is also becoming saturated, entering a bottleneck period. Faced with this situation, the new retail has come into being. Since Ma Yun first put forward this concept, new retail which combines online and offline retail has been sought after by businessmen. In the new retail era, consumers' demand for shopping and commodities is very different from the past. Faced with this challenge, how to adjust their marketing strategies in time to meet consumers' new consumption needs is the most important thing for enterprises to seize the opportunities in the future. This paper explores the importance of customer experience in new retailing by analyzing the concept and characteristics of new retailing and the new consumer demand in the new retailing period, combining with the experiential marketing case of millet company, and puts forward some suggestions on the future development prospects of new retailing.
起訖頁 13-25
關鍵詞 新零售體驗式行銷小米公司顧客體驗New RetailExperiential MarketingMiCustomer Experience
刊名 華人前瞻研究  
期數 202005 (16:1期)
出版單位 南洋文化學會
該期刊-上一篇 以區塊鏈+AI的時間銀行實踐企業社會責任
該期刊-下一篇 玄天上帝及關聖帝君信仰之心靈療育內涵




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