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農業科技研究計畫成果研討會專刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Studies on Practical Degreening Methods Suitable for Taiwan Citrus Fruits
作者 劉富文
This study was aimed at finding practical degreening methods which would be suitable for‘Eureka’lemons,‘Ponkan’mandarins, and‘Liucheng’oranges produced under present agricultural and marketing conditions in Taiwan. Conclusions were drawn on the basis of repeated experiments on fruit maturity at harvest, ethylene concentrations, duration of gassing, 2,4-D pretreatment etc. using a small polyurethane board constructed cold storage room with an additional ventilation door. The room was maintained at 25℃and 95%RH with small fluctuations. Ethylene was added in batches. The room was ventilated periodically just frequent enough to keep CO2 concentrations below 5%. It seems that similar facilities and methods, except bigger sized degreening rooms when necessary, would be suitable for commercial use. Lemons could be degreened promptly by exposure to 10 or 20 ppm ethylene for 4 to 5 days. Exposure to 100 ppm ethylene caused severe button damages.‘Ponkan’mandarins could be degreened by 10 or 20 ppm ethylene gassing for 3 to 4 days or by 100 ppm ethylene for 2 to 3 days. Half-colored‘Ponkan’mandarins needed 1 to 2 days shorter gassing time than the fruits harvested greener, just at the color-break stage.‘Liucheng’oranges degreened rapidly in and after 3 to 4 days of ethylene gassing. Ethylene degreening inevitably hastened fruit button senescence. Pretreatment by dipping in 25 ppm 2,4-D solution was an effective remedy for the problem. Higher concentrations of 2,4-D seemed necessary when higher concentrations of ethylene were used or when the degreened fruits were kept for extended time periods before disposition.
起訖頁 102-124
關鍵詞 乙烯2,4-D益收生長素果蒂老化檸檬椪柑柳橙ethylene2,4-Dfruit button senescencelemon‘Ponkan’mandarin‘Liucheng’orange
刊名 農業科技研究計畫成果研討會專刊  
期數 201506 (104期)
出版單位 財團法人中正農業科技社會公益基金會
該期刊-上一篇 香瓜茄栽培及病蟲害管理模式之建立
該期刊-下一篇 台灣主要荔枝品種胚生育與種子型態之研究




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