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Establishment of cultivation model for Pepeno(Solanum muricatum Ait.)
作者 張元聰劉依昌楊藹華
In order to establish year-round pepino cultivation, green fruit variety was grown in field and greenhouse. Treatments include: 1) Mulching material test: white non-woven fabric, silver and black plastic sheet, straw, and non-mulching (control). 2) Microbial fertilizer test: Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM), phosphate-solubility bacteria (PSB), VAM + PSB were drenched, and non-drenched as control. 3) Grafted on eggplant and self-rooted. Results showed that pepino fruit size and weight were larger when grown in the field than greenhouse. Greenhouse-grown (without pollinator) fruits had no seed, indicating parthenocarpy which results in smaller fruits. Fruit firmness did not differ between treatments. Greenhouse-grown fruits had total soluble solid (TTS) content of 6-8°Brix, higher than 4-6°Brix of field-grown fruits. This was possibly due to smaller fruits. Grafting did not affect fruit size, weight, and TTS. Mulching material did not affect field-grown fruit qualities. Whereas in the greenhouse, fruit weight was higher when mulched with straw or plastic sheet, and TTS was higher when not mulched. Similar correlation in fruit weight and TTS was observed. In the greenhouse, VAM + PSB resulted in greater fruit weight (242.5 g), then PSB treatment (170.1 g). Also showed the similar correlation between fruit weight and TTS. Pepino cultivation at highland (day/ night temperatures as 30-35/ 20℃) during summer were evaluated with grated and self-rooted plants. Grafting did not affect plant height and stem diameter. The first fruiting node was higher in grafted plant (20.2) than self-rooted (17.6). The fifth fruiting node was not affected by grafting. Fruit weight was smaller in grafted plants (182.4 g) than self-rooted plants (250.9 g). But TTS was higher in grafted plants (8.4°Brix ) than self-rooted plants (7.4°Brix). Grafting did not affect fruiting. No fruit flesh browning was observed which might due to lower night temperatures, indicating highland pepino production during summer is possible.
起訖頁 91-101
關鍵詞 香瓜茄著果嫁接微生物肥料畦面覆蓋Pepinofruit-setgraftmicrobial fertilizerridge mulching
刊名 農業科技研究計畫成果研討會專刊  
期數 201506 (104期)
出版單位 財團法人中正農業科技社會公益基金會
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