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Campaign & Publicity - A Practical Observation of the 1994 Taipei City Mayor & Assemblymen Election
作者 伏和康
本研究主要是針對83年台北市市長和市議員的選舉結果,來研究造勢活動和能否當選、得票數高低、新聞重要性、政黨屬性偏好、造勢活動種類和特殊創意造勢活動間的關連性。本研究的時間範圍,是自民國83年10月1日起至12月3日投票日為止,資料範圍,是從中國時報、聯合報、自立早報和自立晚報的選舉新聞。競選造勢活動的分類,可分成:議題類、以下駟打上駟、活動類、捉對辯論類、競選動作類、抗議類、聯合造勢類、組織活動類、意識型態類和節目類等十大分類。競選造勢活動和當選間關係,從實證分析的角度來看,競選造勢活動與當選和得票數高低之間,沒有絕對的關係,但在一定情況下,競選造勢活動的次數和多寡與當選、得票數存在著正比相關。即競選造勢活動愈多,當選的機率和得票數會相對提高。 競選造勢活動和新聞報導間關係,可以看出新聞媒體較偏好報導競選造勢活動類型為:『議題類』、『以下駟打上駟』、『活動類』、『捉對辯論類』等類新聞。競選造勢活動和政黨屬性間關係,從本研究中可以看出,國民黨:較偏重『議題類』、『活動類』和『聯合造勢類』活動。民進黨:較偏重『議題類』、『以下駟打上駟』、『捉對辯論類』和『抗議類』活動。新黨:較偏重『以下駟打上駟』、『捉對辯論類』、『意識型態類』和『節目類』活動。特殊創意競選造勢活動,在吸引新聞媒體注意的三個原則,有:『天時』、『地利』和『人和』。在特殊創意活動具備要素,則需注意到『創意的加入』、『活動手法的翻新』、『活動內容的豐富』,在活動中不僅是候選人自我宣傳而已,『能讓選民在參加活動之餘,同時也獲得價值意義』和『活動舉行前的事前選民和新聞媒體告知』。
The reearch mainly study the election results of Taipei City Mayor and City Assemblymen to explore the correlationship between publicity activities and the success of election, note ratio, news exposure, party favor, activity variety, and creativeness. The research spans a time period from October 1, 1994, till the election day one December 3. Reference is made to The China Times, the United Daily News, the Independence Morning Post and the Independence Evening Post. Publicity activities are categorized into ten particulars, namely: comments on news event, the inferior challenging the superior, congregational gatherings, dabate in pairs, election campaign, protest, united publicity, party activitles, ideology dispute, and holiday greetings. From veritable point of view, there exists no absolute relations between publicity activities and election results of total vote, but under certain circumstances, the total number and frequence of publicity activities are direct proportional to the success of election and the increase of vote. In other words, when there are more publicity activities, the chance of success and the total vote will rise commensurably. Gatherings', and 'debate in pairs'. In view of the party favor of publicity activities, it is noted that the National Party prefers 'comments on news events', 'congregational gatherings', and 'united publicity'; while the Democratic Progress Party often resorts to 'comments on news event', 'the inferior challenging the superior',' debate in pairs', 'ideology dispute' and 'holiday greetings'. To attract news coverage, a publicity activity should be held at the right time, in the right place, and by the right persons. A creative publicity activity requires particularly creativeness, freshness, and richness. A campaign publicity activity should not be a mere self promotional campaign for a candidate, rather, the key to a successful publicity activity lies on the cultivation of additional value or special meaning for voters, and sufficient notice for voters as well as news media in advance of the activity.
起訖頁 61-84
關鍵詞 競選造勢活動臺北市市長市議員選舉
刊名 廣告學研究  
期數 199601 (7期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣告學系
該期刊-上一篇 台北市長選舉公關的三方遊戲:危機公關個案的策略分析
該期刊-下一篇 競選文宣新媒介--台灣政治性資訊網路現況研究(1995)




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