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A Study of PR's Three-person Game in 1994 Taipei Mayer Election
作者 蔣安國
本研究從「遊戲理論」(game theory)來探討1994年台北市長選舉國、新、民三黨候選人的危機公關個案,以瞭解台北市長選舉該三位候選人的競選過程,是否發生三方遊戲的公關策略,及其策略意涵為何?本研究發現,三項個案具有不同的危機階段,其所運用的公關策略表現出不同的面貌:如「金馬撤軍論」的危機階段較完整,有利於公關策略的處理,陳水扁陣營所採取「對抗╱以牙還牙」混合型策略,強而有力地抑制住選舉危機的擴散;「棄黃保陳論」與「每日一問」的兩個案,係爆發型危機,因黃大洲採取弱勢「對抗」策略,趙少康採取強勢「以牙還牙」策略,而以「以牙還牙」策略較能診治其病癥。
Basing on game theory, this study is to look into three cases of crisis Public Relations for the candidates of the Koumingtang, New party and Democratic progressive party in 1994 Taipei Mayor Election to explore what PR strategies have been adopted in their election process. This study found out that PR strategies in these three cases demonstrated their different appearances: Chen Hsu-pen, in 'Withdrwal from Kinmen and Matsu' case, has a complete crisis stages for him to handle easily in PR strategy and Chen adopted 'duel' and 'tit for tat' strategy to interact with his rivals, thus, proving that was very effective. As to the 'Abandon Huang to retain Chen' and 'One quiz everyday' cases, being an acute crisis, Huang adopted defensive 'duel' strategy and Chao chose a 'tit for tat' strategy that can better cure the disease of explosive crisis.
起訖頁 31-59
關鍵詞 臺北市長選舉危機公關
刊名 廣告學研究  
期數 199601 (7期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣告學系
該期刊-上一篇 中國大陸都會區青少年消費行為初探
該期刊-下一篇 競選與造勢活動--從實務角度觀察83年台北市市長、市議員選舉




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