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A Study of Shezidao Development Project in Taipei City: Agents Perspective of Complexity Theory
作者 陳夢琨
This study explores the agents in the local governance of the Shezidao development project with the perspective of the complexity theory. In this case, the author divides the agents into government officials, politicians, experts and scholars, enterprise manufacturers, and local residents in five categories. The author analyzes the reasons for the controversy surrounding the development of the Shezidao project, and the reasons why the Taipei City government had failed in the development of the Shezidao project, and makes recommendations. With the literature analysis method and in-depth interview method, the author explores the relationship among these agents in the Shezidao development project. The study finds that Taipei City Government did not focus on these five categories of agents, failed to try to control the interactive process among these five categories of agents, and did not specifically grasp each self-interests of these five categories of agents, and did not shape the local residents' enthusiasm and common interests in the case of the Shezidao Development Project. The author proposes to track their claims of these agentso n the development of the Shezidao development project, to further clarify the interaction among these agents, and to induce their interaction from the contradiction of self-interest to the construction of public interest.
起訖頁 105-166
關鍵詞 作用者社子島開發案複雜性理論AgentsShezidao Development ProjectComplexity Theory
刊名 思與言  
期數 202006 (58:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 當代臺海關係下的媽祖形象建構:一場解嚴後蘇澳漁民的集體朝聖行動
該期刊-下一篇 客家與平地原住民族複合行政區族群關係與認同之研究:以苗栗縣南庄鄉為例




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