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The Image-Building of Matsu in the Morden Cross-Strait Relationship: A Study of the Su'ao Fishers' Pilgrimage after the Lifting of Martial Law in Taiwan
作者 林瑞愷
This thesis focuses on the history of societal development in postwar Su'ao, and tries to understand the development of Su'ao local society in post-war period. By using religion as the starting point of analysis, this research figures out how the collective action of Su'ao's fishermen used religion to package their requirement. This research tries to understand the temple (Nantien Temple) as a gathering point for locals, and observing how the temple functions as a center for both competition and cooperation between local society and the regime. This research attempts to comprehend Taiwan's post-war political history and the patterns of Cold War era political affairs by understanding the life experience of people living on the frontier. Even in the turmoil of the Cold War, fishermen acting in the Taiwan Strait never stopped their communication through the black market. This research considers this experience of communication through nongovernmental channels as the fountainhead of the Post-Cold War Cross-Strait relationship. In addition, leaders of collective anti-government action used religion as a negotiation tool to catch the public's attention. By analysing those two actions in 1987 and 1989, this research gains first-person insights into the mutual interaction between local and government powers as well as local responses to government control. Result of the collision with government authority, Nantien Temple has become an influential temple of Taiwan; the experiences and needs of local fishermen who represent the peoples who has the needs to contact with each sides were also recognized by both sides of the Strait of Taiwan through religion.
起訖頁 53-103
關鍵詞 冷戰臺海關係走私媽祖信仰地方社會Cold WarThe Relationship between the Both Sides of the Taiwan StraitSmugglingMatsu ReligionLocal Society
刊名 思與言  
期數 202006 (58:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 國家?家國?全國性人民團體命名與競爭的國族想像
該期刊-下一篇 臺北市社子島開發案探討:複雜性理論作用者的觀點




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