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“Regarding Country as Home” or “Regarding Home as Country”?: The Imagination and Contestations of Nation in the Naming Politics of National Civil Organization
作者 葉韻翠
By taking the names of civil organizations which identify groups as the medium, this paper aims to reveal that the political control of naming rights has been out of the “public” sphere and further into the “private” sphere. The historical literature analysis is adopted to probe into the root of disputes over the naming of civil organizations by surveying the historical evolution of the related laws and regulations. Especially focused on the struggle of national symbols which arise from the names of national civil organizations which are prefixed the names of administrative region. This study reveals that the government, by enacting the relevant laws and regulations, requires that civil organizations organize and even grade according to the administrative regions, prefix the names of administrative regions to civil organizations, and prefix Republic of China to national organizations to carry out the dual governance with “Rule the People by the Land” and “Rule the Land by the People”. The name of the district, which is named after political intervention, is represented to influence the identity and affection of the civil organizations. The naming of national occupational organizations has long been forced to prefix the words “Republic of China”, showing the different national identity from the other-People's Republic of China. The names of the national social organizations were originally required to prefix “China”, “Chinese” or “Republic of China” showed the government still continued to use the old political and national symbols to force the Taiwanese to “Regard Country as Home” after the R. O. C. regime exiled to Taiwan. Since 1999, the “legitimate” use of the word “Taiwan” has marked the Taiwanese localized practice of the “Regard Home as Country”. The bottom-up forces have been creating new and competitive national symbols, together with other forces pushing the turn of Taiwanese national identity.
起訖頁 1-52
關鍵詞 命名行政區域名人民團體國族想像臺灣認同NamingNames of Administrative RegionCivil OrganizationsImagination of NationTaiwanese Identity
刊名 思與言  
期數 202006 (58:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 放逐/反放逐:重探〈屈原賈生列傳〉合傳意義與「發憤著書」說
該期刊-下一篇 當代臺海關係下的媽祖形象建構:一場解嚴後蘇澳漁民的集體朝聖行動




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