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Exile and Counter-Exile: Researching the Questions and Passions of The Double Biography of Qu Yuan and Jia Yi
作者 許愷容
From perspectives of exile and counter-exile, the author tries to reconstruct The Double Biography of Qu Yuan and Jia Yi. The author, based on the study results of the predecessors, hopes to further study the questions of double biography, and reinterprets the saying of ‘Passions of Writing Books'. Sima Qian, in the view of compilation, tried to connect Qu Yuan, and Jia Yi with exile (write). Among the cutting and choice of historical materials, Sima Qian pretentiously neglected the political talents of Jia Yi; yet, he rather emphasized the common experiences, which Jia Yi and Qu Yuan had been as exile servants. Qu Yuan and Jia Yi, whom all had faced being exiled, expressed their counter-exile by writing. They not only resisted reality, and searched for intimate mates, but to some degrees had the comforting effects, which aroused immortal characteristics and literature norms (i.e. counter-exile). Sima Qian, whom physically and mentally had been hardly struck, experienced the viewpoints of Chu Tzu, and further applied to historical biography. As a result, he built his statement of academic analysis, and used as positive effects of counter-exile.
起訖頁 213-256
關鍵詞 放逐反放逐史記發憤著書成一家之言Exilecounter-exileShijiPassions of Writing BooksStatement of Academic Analysis
刊名 思與言  
期數 202006 (58:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 世紀之交章太炎的「文學」觀:西力東漸中明治日本言文一致運動及清末的語境
該期刊-下一篇 國家?家國?全國性人民團體命名與競爭的國族想像




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