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Zhang Taiyan's Redefinition of the Notion of “Literature": Seen from Late Qing China's Encounter with the West and Zhang's Relations with Meiji Japan
作者 林少陽
Zhang Taiyan (i.e. Zhang Binglin, 1869-1936), one of the most prominent scholars and influential thinkers of the late Qing Chinese Revolution, frequently wrote on the notion of “literature” (“wenxue” and “wen”) at the turn of the late nineteenth to the early twentieth century, a period in which Chinese intellectuals actively introduced Western learnings in order to reconstruct traditional Chinese scholarship. His concern with the notion of literature lasted until his late years after the Westernized May-Fourth New Cultural Movement from 1916 to 1921. To a certain extent, previous studies have clarified Zhang's reconstruction of Chinese philosophy on the basis of his own Buddhist- and Zhuangzi-centric philosophy and his relations with Meiji Japan's Western-influenced reconstruction of 「philosophy」 . However, Zhang's redefinition of the notion of literature has not yet received such treatment. This paper aims to shed light on Zhang's unique redefinition of “literature” through locating it within the context of his relation to discussions of the notion of “literature” (“bungaku” and “bun”) in Meiji Japan and the Genbun'icchi Movement. In other words, this paper locates Zhang's arguments about literature within the historical context of the East Asian Sinitic sphere's encounter with Western “literature”. In addition, this paper also compares Zhang's argument to the writings of his contemporaries like Liu Shipei (1884-1919) and Wang Guowei (1877-1927), who also stayed in Japan. Although Zhang has quite a different understanding of the notion of literature compared to that of other thinkers of the May-Fourth generation, this paper argues that Zhang unexpectedly prepared a scholarly foundation for the translated notion of “literature” articulated by the May-Fourth generation, an articulation that Zhang himself fiercely criticized.
起訖頁 167-211
關鍵詞 「文學」概念及範圍明治日本章太炎劉師培王國維The Notion of “Literature"the Late Qing ChinaMeiji JapanZhang TaiyanLiu ShipeiWang Guowei
刊名 思與言  
期數 202006 (58:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 被形塑的「認同」:澤村榮治與國族主義下的日本職棒(1934-1944)
該期刊-下一篇 放逐/反放逐:重探〈屈原賈生列傳〉合傳意義與「發憤著書」說




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