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The Constitutional Thoughts of Across-Boundary Governance in Taiwan with Reference to German and Japan
作者 黃子庭
「跨域治理」是目前地方政府的公共政策領域中方興未艾的議題,國內的「跨域治理」尚在起步階段,雖然有部份芻形的發展,但國內「跨域治理」最大的問題在於法制的不夠周延,並無相關法令的配套,因此對於某些跨域合作的個案權責分配窒礙難行。參考先進民主國家的相關體制及改造經驗,對台灣而言有其必要。 因此,本文擬跳脫以往文獻對「跨域治理」的理論分析探討,改以憲法及法律的位階和層次來思考相關法制的擬定。首先,說明台灣的地方制度法對於跨域治理事務合作的規範,並評議其缺失。其次,以日、德的跨域合作之法制與機制作為比較。再次,從台灣跨域治理面臨的重大議進行檢討,最後,提出跨域治理的法規策略建議作為結論。
Across-boundary governance is a newly discussed issue in public policy of local government at present. This issue is still premature, since the relative law in Taiwan is not adequate enough . Therefore the distributions of right and duties of the said issue become hard to work out. It becomes necessary for Taiwan to study the relative institutions as well as the reform experience in some advanced democratic nations. Instead. of the exploration in the theory of across-boundary governance, this thesis will elucidate to make relative legislation applying the concept of constitution and relative laws. At first , it will discuss the relation and rules between local institution and across-boundary governance in Taiwan. Secondly, it will compare the institutional mechanics of across-boundary governance in Japan and German. Thirdly, it will discuss the background and strategies in across-boundary governance in Taiwan.
起訖頁 417-446
關鍵詞 跨域治理地方制度法行政契約目的事業公法人區域政府Across-boundary governanceLocal institutioanl lawAdministrative compactKommunaler zweckverbandRegional government
刊名 嘉義大學通識學報  
期數 200709 (5期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 論日本憲法中的和平理念--日本憲法第九條
該期刊-下一篇 二○○四年我國總統選舉與公民投票期間中共對台策略之研究




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