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並列篇名 |
The Disasters of Poisonous Magic and It's Manipulation and Developing in The Han Dynasty Royal Court |
作者 |
林秀妹、傅榮珂 |
中文摘要 |
甲骨文最早即有蠱字的出現,但最為明確的記錄是戰國時期,巫蠱之術開始被利用於諸侯間的戰爭中(註1),當時巫蠱術只是單獨使用。但至漢朝時其使用方式改變,本文就此分析兩漢時巫師開始將巫蠱與咒術結合起來,以利用偶像傷害術加以詛咒的方式,如何影響漸漸滲入宮廷中之史實及後世之發展論述之。舉凡皇妃之間為爭奪皇帝的寵愛或者太子與派系間的鬥爭,巫蠱之術充斥於整個王室,造成眾多悲劇之例其於《史記》、《漢書》中的記載不勝枚舉,相互利用蠱術危害,其中最為嚴重的一件巫蠱之禍為漢武帝時,劉據因此被江充誣蔑埋偶人詛之而含冤自刎,數萬人凡相關者皆誅之,成為史上最大巫蠱之災難。而對於巫者的地位亦由殷商時期的「巫祝王」慢慢演變至東漢初年「巫家,不應為吏」,政治社會地位逐漸衰退,處境亦產生極大變化。此時期巫蠱之術為一種模擬巫術法,與眾所皆知的西南方少數民族的放蠱術不同,根據史書的敘述可推測屬於偶像傷害術,主要皆是指以偶人詛咒的黑巫術,延續至魏晉南北朝甚至明清時期,這種為達個人目的便誣蔑及報復的巫蠱術,亦持不斷地被利用著,並無全完禁?或停止,可見漢代巫蠱之禍對於後世社會的思想觀念影響頗巨。 |
英文摘要 |
The word "poisonous" first appeared in the ancient Oracle bone script.But the definite record was in the Warring States Period. The poisonous magic was used for the wars between the vassal states at that time. The ways to use the poisonous magic were changed in the Han dynasty. There were many examples in the Records of the Grand Historian or the Book of Han about the struggles between the empress and the imperial concubines; or the contention for the crown between the princes. Wizards associated poisonous magic and curse to hurt people, in order to help them win the favor of the emperor; or get the throne. These caused many terrible tragedies during the Han dynasty. Meanwhile the position of the wizards was changed. This discourse is to discuss the reason for the poisonous magic was used in the Han palace; and the influence on the descendant. |
起訖頁 |
191-212 |
關鍵詞 |
漢代、巫蠱之禍、宮廷、巫蠱、偶像傷害術、Han dynasty、Disasters of poisonous magic、Palace、royal court、Poisonous magic、Icon abusing skill |
刊名 |
嘉義大學通識學報 |
期數 |
200709 (5期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
RFID在教育上的應用與規劃整合 |
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大學「口語表達訓練」通識課程之教學探究--以演說、朗讀之表達技巧為例 |