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A Study on The Teaching of Colloquial Expression Training Course in the General Courses Program - The speech, Recites the expression skill as the example
作者 王玫珍
隨著全球化與科技資訊時代的來臨,國際間個人與個人、團體組織之間交流互動日益頻繁,職場上對具有優秀的口語表達人才需求提高。作為當今大學生,除了具備專業知識學養以外,亟需培養口語表達技能,否則不足以適應知識經濟與資訊時代的要求,因此高等教育培養學生口語表達能力成為素質提昇的必要課程。 本文就通識課程「口語表達訓練」教學中,外在表達形象的訓練:包括說話者如何運用語音技巧,恰如其分地訴諸聽者的感官效果;以及身體語言的輔助,以手勢、面部表情、動作等表達傳遞說話者訊息;以闡明良好的口語技巧對演說、朗讀等口語表達的作用。
Individual colloquial expression and group interaction are getting more and more needed as the new era emphasizes on the globalization and data science. Business companies are looking for their employees with higher fluency and specialty on the colloquial expression ability. In order to meet the requirement, a college student needs not only to be specialized on his/her major subject, but also to be skillful on the colloquial expression. Offering such kind of courses in college education program is beyond doubt. This study tried to design a teaching method for the course. To it, there was the external expression training- how to use speaker's intonation to attract listeners' attention or how to use hand gestures, facial expressions and body movements to express speaker's intention.
起訖頁 213-241
關鍵詞 口語表達訓練通識課程教學Colloquial expressionGeneral courses programTeaching
刊名 嘉義大學通識學報  
期數 200709 (5期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 巫蠱之禍及其在漢代宮廷運用與日後發展
該期刊-下一篇 以明朝土木堡戰敗為例略論軍隊之統帥與指揮




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