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An Integrated RFID Application Framework and Design for Education
作者 陳景蔚史祐吉
無線射頻辨識技術(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)是利用無線電波傳送資料進行自動化辨識科技。RFID以其獨特的優點,已逐漸的被廣泛應用於工業自動化、商業自動化、和交通運輸控制管理等領域。研究發現,採用RFID技術的資訊處理系統,所帶來的流程改善及管理效益將遠超過建置的成本。本研究特別對於未來數位學園中RFID的可能應用如無所不在的行動學習、學生安全管理、智慧型教室管理、圖書館的管理、特殊物品及實驗室的管控、電子錢包、停車場管理的運用等做一深入的剖析與研究,並在這一文獻探討工作完成後提出一功能完善、處理能力強大的共用型中介軟體應用框架來支援這些應用的實現。依此框架,再配合後端的資料庫系統,採用Rational統一流程(Rational Unified Process,RUP),本研究更設計出一具體可行、具可延伸性的RFID校園管理資訊系統,做為校園應用需求的解決方案,用以解決現今校園管理上普遍存在的人力不足、管理績效不佳、安全性不夠、辨識準確度不高等問題。在設計專案完成後,本研究更根據文獻探討及實作經驗,提出更多優質的設計替代方案來討論,以期能更有效的開發出整合性的RFID校園需求解決方案。
Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology has been in use for several decades to track and identify goods, assets and even living things. Companies adopting RFID-based solutions have several ways to drive ROI and gain additional business benefits. The technology will enable the critical elements of mobility - learning activities, people, information, documents, and communications - to rethink for a more effective business process design to address the needs of all learners. Recently, RFID has generated widespread school interest as a means to improve instructional and administrative performance. This report provides an excellent foundation for understanding RFID and how you can take advantage of this technology to meet internal requirements and/or external expectations. This paper focuses on the application of RFID in school settings. First, we review the key elements of RFID technology and summarize current business application scenarios for RFID technology. Second, we conduct a thorough study to describe and explore the possible RFID applications and benefits in a school setting. Next, an integrated IT framework using RFID for educational applications is proposed based on the need for a scalable, ready-to-use solution that simplifies and increases the speed of implementation. This paper concludes with a set of design guidelines for proactively implementing such applications based on published literature and practical project experience.
起訖頁 155-189
關鍵詞 無線射頻辨識技術RFID中介軟體校園管理資訊系統Radio frequency identificationMiddleware framework
刊名 嘉義大學通識學報  
期數 200709 (5期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 「易經」與中國兵學思想
該期刊-下一篇 巫蠱之禍及其在漢代宮廷運用與日後發展




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