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Research on the Improvement of Pavement Serviceability by Smoothness Bonus Incentive
作者 陳一昌周家蓓
美國州公路及官員協會之鋪面設計準則及相關研究文獻明確指出,95%的路面服務品質是由鋪面糙度(roughness)或道路表面輪廓(surface profile)所顯現的;其他服務指標因素,如裂縫(cracking)、車轍(rutting)、補綻(patching)等,僅佔影響服務品質因子中較小之比率。因此,若能鼓勵施工單位提高完工時路面之平坦度或是減低路面糙度,均會對路面長期之服務績效將有所助益,同時也會減少鋪面的常年養護成本與生命週期成本。依道路的生命週期成本觀念,因路面不平坦而導致未來增加之成本包括道路養護與修復成本、用路人成本、相關社會與環境成本等。由此成本之現值,提撥適當比率金額納入發包預算中,作為承包商若完成較合約或規範優異之路面平坦度時,額外發放之平坦度獎金,將可以促使承包商因為考慮此一額外獎金之誘因,而增加投入充分之施工設備、改善施工之人機介面與協調、加強施工人員之訓練以提升工程品質等措施。此一改善路面平坦度措施,確實可以達到政府、承包商與用路人三贏之效果。平坦度獎金可以由亞洲開發銀行所建議獨立財務之「公路養護基金」或國內既有「交通建設基金」下之「國道建設管理基金」中,尋求經費的支持。
References of AASHTO and other researchers have pointed out that 95% of pavement serviceability come from road surface profile or roughness. Indices like cracking, rutting, patching, etc. only act as a small fraction to serviceability. If we can encourage contractors to improve pavement smoothness or reduce pavement roughness for their construction projects, it will benefit the long-term performance and also reduce the annual maintenance cost and life-cycle cost of pavement. As life-cycle cost of pavement was concerned, cost increases due to the unevenness of pavement will include the costs of road maintenance and rehabilitation, user's costs, social, and environmental costs, etc. The smoothness bonus will play an incentive role to encourage contractors do their best to reduce pavement roughness. The research results will benefit the government, contractors, and road users. It is suggested to establish a Road Maintenance Fund such that the smoothness bonus funding can be feasible due to its independency from the governmental Consolidated Revenue Fund.
起訖頁 141-160
關鍵詞 糙度平坦度獎金成效規範公路養護基金RoughnessSmoothness bonusPerformance-based specificationRoad maintenance fund
刊名 運輸學刊  
期數 200606 (18:2期)
出版單位 中華民國運輸學會
該期刊-上一篇 我國軌道運輸安全與責任法規之檢討研究
該期刊-下一篇 高速公路大客車跟車駕駛反應時間與車間距離關係之模擬與分析




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