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Remembrance of Contemporary Events: On Setting Up the Sunfl ower Movement Archive
作者 莊庭瑞曾沅芷
In the late evening of March 18, 2014, students and activists stormed into and occupied the main chamber of Taiwan's Legislature. The event set off the Sunflower Movement, signifying a turning point in Taiwan's history. Researchers at Academia Sinica arranged to acquire all the supporting artifacts and documentary materials in the chamber before the protest came to a peaceful end. In this paper, we discuss the issues in archiving and making available to the public a large collection of artifacts created by thousands of participants in a contemporary event. We demonstrate systems designed to encourage people to identify items of their own in the archive. We show how an accessible catalog to the archive can help people tell their stories hence collectively may strengthen the public's recollections about the movement. (This is a Chinese translation of an English paper presented by the first author at the Digital Humanities 2017 international conference. The addendum section is new. This paper is released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.)
起訖頁 32-41
關鍵詞 318公民運動中央研究院數位典藏原生數位創用CC授權318 Civil MovementAcademia Sinicadigital archivesborn-digitalCreative Commons Licenses
刊名 檔案半年刊  
期數 201712 (16:2期)
出版單位 國家發展委員會檔案管理局
該期刊-上一篇 線上簽核電子檔案長期存取與風險管理
該期刊-下一篇 政府機關文書檔案管理資訊系統驗證作業之探討




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