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A Study on the Verification Scheme for Electronic Documents and Records Management System of Government Sectors in Taiwan
作者 邱菊梅徐綉茹李秉澤
The verification scheme for Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) has been promoted by the National Archives Administration more than a decade since 2006. This research aims to discuss the service performance of the verification scheme; moreover, the attitudes and satisfaction of agencies applying the service as well as information system vendors. In addition, the study expects to find a better way for the tight integration of the verification scheme and practical needs. Furthermore, the experiences of the applicants can be used as reference for improvement on the follow-up verification scheme and other related systems. We make conclusions with two short-term suggestions and two medium-term and long-term suggestions. One short-term suggestion is accelerating the inspection times of verification and less waiting times of the announcement of verification results, the other is continuously improving the quality of verification service; Medium-term and long-term suggestions are adjusting and improving procedures of verification , and continuously promote operations of verification.
起訖頁 42-61
關鍵詞 公文及檔案管理資訊系統驗證作業模組化驗證程序Electronic Documents and Records Management Systemverification schememodularityverification procedures
刊名 檔案半年刊  
期數 201712 (16:2期)
出版單位 國家發展委員會檔案管理局
該期刊-上一篇 當代事件之記憶:318公民運動文物紀錄典藏庫之建立
該期刊-下一篇 我國機關檔案管理人員專業培訓現況及分級規劃研析




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