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The Management System and Acquisition Strategy of the National Archives in the U.S.
作者 陳淑美薛理桂
National archives are crucial evidence to national development and have symbolic value of the democratic rule of law. Developed countries attach great importance to national archives. Most of these countries have built theirfirst National Archives in their capital cities to show that they value the founding spirit of the rule of law and the inheritance of history and culture. Also, they promote public use of archives and optimize the functions of the archives to let the public understand government administration. Archives are records accumulated during government agencies' operation. They represented the rightness and uniqueness of the exercise of public authority. However, those records are numerous and miscellaneous, not all of them worthy of permanent preservation. It requires profound knowledge to separate the wheat from the chaff to preserve records that have collective memory value. In 1930s, U.S. built their first National Archives in the capital and the archive management system operated soundly. Now, different scales of Archives and Record Centers all over the country still play their roles perfectly and fulfill their duty of management. Their experiences are worthy of us to learn from. Our Archives Act has already implemented for more than 15 years yet we still haven't built our National Archives. We are behind comparing with other countries' attention to National Archives. This article takes National Archives in the U.S. as research objects and discusses the management system and acquisition strategy hoping to provide some reference to our national archive acquisition system.
起訖頁 18-31
關鍵詞 美國國家檔案館管理體系檔案徵集徵集策略United StatesNational Archivesmanagement systemarchives acquisitionacquisition strategy
刊名 檔案半年刊  
期數 201607 (15:1期)
出版單位 國家發展委員會檔案管理局
該期刊-上一篇 檔管單位如何建立微型的績效評估機制
該期刊-下一篇 解除言論自由的枷鎖──「100行動聯盟」廢除「刑法第100條」的抗爭




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