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Ethnic Conflict and Its Resolution
作者 張棋炘
冷戰結束後的第一個十年,國際關係當中的最主要特徵就是族群衝突的出現。在冷戰結束後的第二個十年裡,雖然族群衝突大體上已經塵埃落定,但是這中間顯然仍有眾多議題等待作進一步的分析與探討。以現實主義為導向的國際衝突理論,一如未能完滿解釋冷戰為何結束一般,也同樣沒能提供有關族群衝突解決的良好解釋。究其原因,主要是認為影響國際安全的衝突主要來自於體系結構的影響而非國家內部,美蘇在冷戰期間的對峙強化了這種觀念。其次研究者對於「衝突解決」(conflict resolution)的認知也不盡正確,多將其與「和平」混為一談,以致於對衝突解決不抱持任何樂觀期待。最後則是由於過往歷史當中根本缺乏國際社會強制干預並解決族群衝突的實證案例。下個十年,族群衝突的發生以及解決,仍將會是國際關係當中的重點之一。本文的目的就在重新探討衝突理論,就其中的不足加以說明,並主張以「衝突解決」作為衝突理論的一種補充性方法,以彌補不足;同時也將進一步分析「衝突解決」與衝突管理、衝突預防、衝突轉型之相互關係,以及其與「和平」之間的差異,同時也將進一步分析衝突解決機制的運用
Ethnic conflicts emerge as one of the main features in the first decade after the Cold War. Although most of ethnic conflicts seem to be settled in the second decade, there remain many issues to be further explored and analyzed. There's no surprise that traditional conflict theories based on realist assumptions could not explain why ethnic conflicts occur in the first place because of the ensuing. First, these theories ignore domestic changes while treating international systems as the most important factor. This is enhanced by U.S.-U.S.S.R. confrontations during the Cold War. Secondly, researchers confuse‘conflict resolution studies' with‘peace studies'. This confusion makes them pessimistic about the possibilities that ethnic conflict can be resolved at all. Finally, there exists little empirical evidence to prove ethnic conflicts could be resolved by strong international interventions. The next decade will only see more ethnic conflicts around the world as the resolution of ethnic conflict will remain an important subject. The purposes of this article are to appraise the shortcomings of those traditional conflict theories and to propose conflict resolution as a complementary approach. Also, the relationships among ''conflict prevention'', ''conflict management'', ''conflict transformation'', and ''conflict resolution'' will be further analyzed. Finally, the application of conflict resolution mechanisms will also be introduced.
起訖頁 111-142
關鍵詞 衝突理論族群衝突衝突解決Conflict TheoryEthnic ConflictConflict Resolution
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201107 (35期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 全球食物體系與人類健康暨公衛危機之關連:分析架構建立之初探
該期刊-下一篇 微區域主義與大圖們江計畫之發展




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