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From the Debate on Trade and Climate Change Issues to Analyze the G20 Summit in 2017 and its Revelations for Taiwan
作者 葉長城
二十國集團(The Group of Twenty, G20)係一針對金融與經濟議題之國際合作的主要論壇(forum)。由於全部G20國家無論在經濟規模、貿易與人口數量的全球占比極高,故其歷年領袖峰會聚焦議題動向廣受各界矚目,且其討論成果對國際金融與經貿重大議題的變革亦影響深遠。本文在歸納研析2017年G20領袖峰會召開歷程後,主要發現有三:1.當前G20領袖峰會討論議題雖以全球金融與經濟議題為主,但涵蓋議題範圍與影響力卻不斷外溢擴增;2.貿易與氣候變遷係G20德國漢堡領袖峰會期間最受關注兩大議題,其中爭議分歧影響未來全球政經走向甚深,值得持續加以觀察;3. 2017年G20領袖宣言係以分享全球化利益、建立韌性、改善人類永續生計與承擔責任為其主軸,其主要議題項目廣泛多元,反映當前全球治理工作的深化與挑戰。至於,在對我國之意涵與啟示方面,在貿易議題上,鑒於保護主義與反全球化趨勢興起將對依賴出口甚深的臺灣帶來不利影響,因此臺灣仍應朝支持全球自由貿易體制、加強產品差異化與出口市場分散以及同步支持採雙邊、複邊及多邊途徑,持續推動對外經貿的發展及調整。在氣候變遷議題上,我國目前已通過「溫室氣體減量及管理法」,明定減碳政策,未來應不會受到美國退出「巴黎協定」影響而更改既定政策方向;最後,在研究上,對國內國際關係理論與實務研究來說,G20與其主要探討議題的後續研究及分析皆具相當程度的意義及重要性;特別是就理論分析的應用來看,本研究的研析似已再次反映從大國間權力分配與抗衡的途徑切入,仍係未來相關研究進行時值得考慮的有效分析方式之一。
The Group of Twenty (G20) is a major forum for international cooperation on financial and economic issues. The topics of the G20 Summit often becomes the international focus because of G20 members' high shares of the global economy, trade and population, and discussions at the G20 Summit usually have the deep influence on the change of international finance, economic and trade issues. In this article, the author analyzes the process of G20 Summit in 2017 and offers three main findings as follows: Firstly, although the major topics for discussions during the G20 Summit are usually global financial and economic issues, but its discussion scope and influence continue to spill over and expand; secondly, trade and climate change are two major debating issues during the G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany, the sticking points and their divergence will deeply influence the trend of global politics and economy, which are worthy of further observation in the future; thirdly, The main pillars of G20 Leaders' Declaration in 2017 are sharing the benefits of globalization, building resilience, improving sustainable livelihoods and assuming responsibility. The comprehensive and multi-issues of the G20 Summit reflect the deepening and challenge of its task on global governance. As to the implications and revelations for Taiwan, on the trade issues, the rise of protectionism and anti-globalization might have an impact on Taiwan's export-oriented economy, Taiwan should adopt policies and measures as follows: supporting the global free trade system, strengthening the differentiation of products and the diversification of export market, promoting the development and adjustment of foreign trade by bilateral and multilateral approaches simultaneously. On the issue of climate change, Taiwan already passed the ''Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act'' to clarify its policy of carbon reduction, hence it will not change its course of policy in the future just because of US withdrawal from the ''Paris Agreement''; Finally, on the Taiwan's academic research of G20 and its major issues for discussions in the field of theory and practice of international relations, the follow-up studies are very meaningful and important. Especially, for the application of theoretical analysis, the analysis of this article once again showed the usefulness of the approach of power distribution and competition analysis between the great powers, which might be worthy of utilizing in the related studies in the future.
起訖頁 75-102
關鍵詞 二十國集團貿易氣候變遷G20領袖峰會Group of Twenty (G20)tradeclimate changeG20 Summit
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201710 (60期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 強權崛起:中國近二十五年綜合國力評估
該期刊-下一篇 台灣、亞洲太空賽局與全球太空安全治理體系




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