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Taiwan's Space Capabilities, Geo-Space Race in Asia, and the Global Space Security Governance
作者 廖立文
自廿一世紀起迄今,全球已有逾60個國家及國際組織具自主太空力量或太空應用能力。其中許多國家更以發展自主太空力量的創建與革新,建構太空科技研發、生產與應用的自主能力,以達到強化國防、保護人民、同時驅動產業升級與經濟轉型、提升社會福利、拉近城鄉差距及維護環境永續發展等多元政策目標。此各國競相發展自主太空科技力量與應用能力的景況,尤以亞洲地區最盛。中國自以美國為競爭指標,已追上美、俄,成為全球第三個具有發射太空載具、多功能衛星系統設計與運轉,以及外空探測能力等綜合性能力的太空強國。另外,向以科技力量為強國之本的日本、南韓、台灣等,安全與外交立場一般來說較採不結盟立場的澳洲、印度,以及企圖心強烈的東協國家,如印尼、泰國、越南與馬來西亞等,也各以不同的策略與規模發展其太空力量。甚至以不斷試射彈道飛彈、衛星及核試爆因而不斷牽動亞洲區域安全神經的北韓,也以發展該國太空國力為正當性,間接地升高亞洲太空賽局的競爭熱度。就全球層級論,各國早就在聯合國的架構下,同意發展個別太空力量與應用能力時,要接受五大國際太空公約的規範,確保全人類使用太空環境公共財的基本權利與安全,並且保護各國太空人及太空資財的安全。從此「太空安全」的全球治理觀點來看,聯合國設有太空安全治理的相關機構,並鼓勵區域性合作,協調建立各國應用太空科技時所需要的國際標準操作程序與溝通用語,以及通用器材設備規格等。從全球層面下看到亞洲太空賽局,我們觀察到除了複雜的地緣政治因素,區域外部太空大國藉技術移轉拉攏盟國發展太空力量的內涵與時機,也是影響亞洲太空賽局發展更形複雜的因素。台灣自1990年啟動發展自主太空力量,迄今已具相當專擅科技力量與普遍應用能力。台灣「第二期國家太空科技發展長程計畫」計於2018年落幕 ,並有繼續推動之規劃。本文試從國際「太空安全」的角度,探討1) 台灣發展太空力量的動機與目的;分析2) 亞洲太空賽局的安全環境;並觀察3)亞洲區域外部助力與阻力對於台灣發展太空力量的影響等三面向,回顧與檢視台灣發展太空力量的內、外部條件與發展空間,剖析台灣在區域太空賽局與全球太空安全合作體系三者間的複合關聯◦
Taiwan started to develop its indigenous space technology capabilities and possibly its space power from the 1990s. From 2016, Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-Wen has promised the new endeavor to boost Taiwan's economy with a stimulating policy focused on the ''5+2 industrial priorities'', including linking Taiwan's aeronautic and astronautic industries to the global aerospace economy production and service chains. As the aerospace technologies, particularly the technologies related with space launch, satellites systems for tele-communications, Earth observation, and navigation, have become indispensable for important national policy issues, such as national defense and security, advanced industrial upgrade, social economic development, cultural heritages preservation and environmental protection, a vibrant economy, such as Taiwan, undoubtedly follows the global trend to improve or start to develop their own space capabilities. Nonetheless, with Taiwan's particular nation status, its ambiguous relations with China, and the complex geopolitical situation in Asia, the development of Taiwan's indigenous space capabilities has naturally encountered important obstacles and challenges. This article firstly addresses the issue about Taiwan's motivation and national strategy when the country grows its space capabilities and the likely space power. Furthermore, we notice that any choice of Taiwan for developing its own space capability and space power remains closely connected with its sensitive role and limited room of maneuver notably in the complex (astro-)geopolitics in Asia. However, a complex Asian regional space race that intertwines competition and cooperation does not only imply Taiwan with obstacles but also opportunities. Finally, although Taiwan is not a UN member state, Taiwan will be needed to respect and integrate its national space policy to the UN norms and rules for the peaceful use of outer space whilst growing its own space capabilities. The good faith to fulfill the universal rules is noted not only to satisfy all countries' interests as well as for the entire humanity.
起訖頁 103-126
關鍵詞 台灣太空政治太空安全複合治理體系太空力量太空經濟太空外交Taiwanregional space politics and space governancespace powerspace economyspace diplomacy
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201710 (60期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從貿易與氣候變遷議題的論爭分析2017年G20領袖峰會及其對臺灣之啟示
該期刊-下一篇 網路的安全與戰爭,每個人必須瞭解的真相




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