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The Performance of Abenomics and the Vision of Japanese Economy
作者 劉慶瑞
日本經濟於 1980 年代下半期,歷經經濟假象的泡沫經濟及其破滅,使其陷入戰後首次的長期低迷。之後,雖歷經十多位首相之輪替並祭出一連串的刺激景氣對策,卻都無法有效恢復景氣。2012 年 12 月,再度回鍋的安倍晉三(Abe Shinzou)首相大膽提出日本史無前例的三支箭經濟對策,亦即大膽的金融政策、機動的財政政策、喚起民間投資的成長策略。可能受到歐洲經濟不振、中國經濟成長趨緩等因素影響,「安倍經濟學」實施迄今,日本經濟雖有改善,但仍無亮麗經濟數據,日本經濟的復甦,仍為世人所關注,筆者認為安倍經濟學之持續仍有其必要性,也非得具體落實。尤其是技術創新的持續深耕,才能在激烈競爭的環境中脫穎而出,日本經濟才有可能再起。。
After the latter half of the 1980s, Japanese economy had experienced the bubble economy and its collapse, the first long slump was carried out to Japanese economy after World War II. After that, though after a dozen prime minister's rotation and resorted to a series of countermeasures to stimulate the economy, but there is no effective recovery boom. In December 2012, the Shinzo Abe Prime Minister sitting on again submits three unprecedented arrows as economic measures. They are bold monetary policy, fiscal policy maneuver, growth strategy of evoking private investment. Perhaps it was affected by European economic downturn, slowing of Chinese economic growth and other factors, ''Abenomics'' has been implemented until now, the Japanese economy has improved, but still no bright economic data. The recovery of Japanese economy is still paid close attention to the world. The author thinks that the last of Abenomics still has its necessity, but also has to concrete implementation. Especially the technological innovation continues to plough deeply, it is possible to stand out in a highly competitive environment. And then, it is possible to resurge for Japanese economy.
起訖頁 55-76
關鍵詞 日本經濟安倍經濟學成長策略技術創新Japanese economyAbenomicsgrowth strategytechnological innovation
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201703 (特集5期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 安倍政權下的日本戰略轉型與中日關係發展
該期刊-下一篇 第二次安倍政權推動修憲之策略分析




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