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The 30th Anniversary of Sino-American Diplomatic Normalization: A Review of China's US Policy and Sino-American Relations
作者 張登及王似華
自1979年中美關係正常化以來,迄今已歷經30 年。中方對「逢十」的紀念日不是嚴加警惕便是大書特書。當此中美關係居於歷史上較好時期,北京必將深入總結經驗教訓,以謀未來。中美關係對我國生存與發展亦是重中之重,台灣國關研究者自亦當本諸原有的理論訓練優勢,提出本身的觀點,以推動有關的理論與政策研究之進展。本文嘗試從「身份」與「位置」兩組核心概念出發,藉助從中共建政之歷史與理念所沉澱建構出的數個中國外交類型(ideal types),詮釋並說明三十年來中國的對美政策與中美關係。這三個基礎類型分別是「國際體系平衡者」、「國際社會負責者」與「國際現狀挑戰者」。本文展望後布希時期的中美關係認為,由於中美物質實力所規定的相對結構性「位置」差距仍大,而中方雖有「挑戰者」的身份醞釀,卻仍難以超越「位置」的限制。中美未來的「位置」與「身份」競爭仍將以互利合作為主調。但對個案性的危機的管理,則是兩國關係是否能穩定的關鍵。
This article reviews Sino-American relations in the last three decades since the two countries normalized their diplomatic ties. The authors conduct the analysis by building a specially tailored framework of ideal types inspired by the German sociologist, Max Weber. Three ideal types of roles of foreign policy are employed to comparatively evaluate China's foreign relations and its US policy: balancer, responsible stakeholder, and revolutionary revisionist. The key components of these types include specific position in the international system and identity in the international community. It found the earliest ten years (1980s) of China's foreign policy can be best portrayed as ''balancer,'' while mid and late 1990s saw China's ''responsible stakeholder'' vivid during its ''great power diplomacy'' reached its peak. As China's economy kept growing fast and the US was hit by the Iraq-Afghan war as well as economy recession, China gradually adopted a ''soft balancing'' approach towards Washington. It is still too early to say China is to oppose the US hegemony revolutionarily, but it does embrace a degree of ambition to revision the rules of the game guarded by the US and the West as a whole.
起訖頁 49-76
關鍵詞 中美關係中國外交大國外交和諧世界理想型Sino-American RelationsChinese Foreign PolicyGreat Power DiplomacyHarmonious WorldIdeal Types
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201010 (32期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 日本援外政策發展:背景、沿革與演進
該期刊-下一篇 歐盟安全暨防衛政策之制度建構與人道救援之行動實踐




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