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Development of Japan's Foreign Aid: Background, Content and Evolution
作者 蔡東杰
日本雖曾於二次戰後大量接受美國及NGO 援助,但目前已成為全球最重要的援外大國之一;在1964 年加入OECD 後ODA 預算更隨著經濟力量上升而逐年增加,甚至在1991 年還超越美國躍居世界第一。日本曾於1992 年通過「政府開發援助大綱」,據此,日本進行援助時須顧及聯合國憲章基本原則(即尊重主權、平等與不干涉內政)與被動原則(亦即由被援助國主動提出要求),其後在2003 年針對ODA 大綱進行修訂後,則更重視ODA「是否對國際社會和平與發展提供貢獻,並確保日本的安全與繁榮」。從某個角度來看,舊大綱基本表述是「人道立場」,新大綱則更著重「國民利益」(國家利益),這也是日本首次明確表明對外提供援助要考慮國家利益,特別是方式上也將原有「請求主義」(被動原則)轉向更主動的「加強政策協商」途徑,也是為了提升ODA 的戰略利用價值。在本文中,我們便希望透過對於日本援外政策之回溯性整理,希望能進一步釐清其未來可能之發展趨勢。
Japan is in a unique position as the major industrial country in Asia, and as such it has a duty to offer initiatives to the rest of the world. There will be a greater chance of building a more balanced world if Japan gives voice to a vision from its Asian vantage point. Even after ceding its much-vaunted status as the world's No.1 aid donor to the United States in 2001, Japan has managed to hold on to the less prestigious but yet comfortable No.2 position. As one of the largest ODA donors in the world, Japan participates in this global aid approach with considerable unease. Majority of Japan's development officials and economists think the World Bank approach imposes too much procedural uniformity including the promotion of nascent industries under international integration. With its own ODA budget on the decline, Japan is currently reviewing its ODA strategy. This paper proposes an alternative objective: sustaining Asian dynamism and trying to gain the regional leadership. This must be pursued in a way that does not exclude economies outside East Asia. External economic policies including ODA, trade and investment policies should be redirected toward this goal, in addition to global common concerns such as poverty and environment. Under the framework, Japan's existing aid portfolio can be reinterpreted, justified and expanded.
起訖頁 33-48
關鍵詞 日本開發援助國家利益區域戰略全球化JapanODANational InterestRegional StrategyGlobalization
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201010 (32期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 浮現中的南海權力政治邏輯
該期刊-下一篇 中美建交三十年:北京對美政策與雙邊關係回顧




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