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Another Choice for Communications Technology: An Analysis of Policy Implications for Closed-Captioning Services in Taiwan
作者 劉幼琍楊忠川
電視字幕的優點是能幫助觀眾瞭解節目訊息,但是亦有破壞畫面或影響觀眾視力的缺點。而隱藏式字幕(closed captions)乃是利用訊號呈現電視垂直遮沒區(vertical blanking interval)上加碼的資訊。閱聽大眾可藉由切換解碼器之開關來決定是否收看字幕。換言之,隱藏式字幕有讓觀眾選擇是否收看字幕的權利,且亦有其他多功能的效果。1980年至1983年之間,美國商業及公共電視台已有隱藏式字幕的試驗;而我國的電視台自開播以來皆使用開放式字幕,尚未有隱藏式字幕。我國實施開放式字幕有其歷史及政治因素。在過去,對於來自不同種族語系背景的人,中文字幕提供了一個觀看電視節目的共同工具;然而在現在多元化的社會,觀眾應有權利選擇愛聽的語言與要看的文字,因此電視台已有重新思考轉為隱藏式字幕(closed caption)播出的必要。針對此,本文主要探討的主題如下:(一)國內外隱藏式字幕發展的狀況。(二)國內觀眾,尤其是聽障者等弱勢團體對於隱藏式字幕的看法。(三)國內無線電視臺與新興電視媒體接受隱藏式字幕的可行性。(四)國內相關產業對隱藏式字幕的看法。(五)政府對隱藏式字幕的政策。本研究採用四種研究方法。首先,用文獻蒐集法,分析世界各國隱藏式字幕的發展情形;其次,利用問卷調查法,瞭解聽障者對隱藏式字幕的看法;再來,以焦點團體討論法,瞭解電視業者、電視製造商、字幕機研發者,及消費團體對改用隱藏式字幕的看法及立場;同時,以深度訪談法探討隱藏式字幕的可行性,並對政策提出建議。
Closed-captioning of television programs uses vertical blanking interval technology to deliver textual information that is not shown on television screen to the audience with special needs. Closed captioning can offer vital benefits mainly for people with hearing disabilities by displaying the audio portion of a television signal as printed words on the television screen. As early as the 1980s, the Public Broadcasting Stations in the U.S. have widely adopted this new technology to shift from their long-used open captioning since 1970s. In Taiwan, the addition of captions to all television programs has its historical and political origins. It provides a uniform written language for all Chinese from multiethnic and multi-linguistic backgrounds to understand program contents. However, as Mandarin has become lingua franca in Taiwan, it is appropriate to change from current open captioning to closed captioning that can be retrieved through a decoder. The purpose of this study is to (1) examine current development of closed captions in Taiwan and other nations; (2) analyze how audience, especially hearing-impaired viewers react to close captions; (3) discuss how broadcasters respond to this new captioning practice; (4) discuss whether manufacturers can produce affordable closed caption decoders to people who need them; (5) discuss whether government is ready for closed-captioning and whether relevent regulations and laws should be stipulated or revised. This research employs four methods to approach these issues comprehensively. An extensive literature review illustrates the development of closed captions in Taiwan and other parts of the world. In-depth interviews and expert panels are conducted to seek comments on the current availability, cost, and uses of the closed-captioning service in Taiwan. In addition, surveys of hearing-impaired individuals are conducted to solicit their views on close caption service in Taiwan.
起訖頁 109-140
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 199707 (10期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 公共電視的節目策略:從德國經驗看台灣未來公共電視可行的節目策略
該期刊-下一篇 多頻道廣播生態下聽眾回饋的定位




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