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Listeners' Feedback in a Multi-channel Radio Ecology
作者 黃葳威
自民國八十二年廣播頻道開放,國內現有一百多家新興電台與舊 電台。在我國廣播事業走向多頻道、多元化的階段,廣播電台節目製播人員與聽眾的關係,不再只是單純的被動、或完全的互動所能涵蓋。究竟聽眾回饋在廣播電台節目製播人員心目中的定位如何,實值得深入探討。本研究從傳播者角度探討廣播節目製播人員對聽眾回饋的看法,進而反映多頻道廣播生態中聽眾回饋的定位,研究者採取深度訪談的方式,訪問十九位廣播電台節目部主管、製作人、主持人。訪談結果發現,相較於舊電台,部份新興電台較重視節目整體規劃與聽眾回饋。然而,能由節目前置規劃、電台定位兩階段蒐集聽眾回饋的相當有限,大部分著重播出後的效果評估。此外,受訪電台製播人員與節目聽眾的互動親疏關係,以有限回饋最多,其次為零回饋,製播人員與聽眾暢通無阻互相溝通的自由回饋情形較少。
There are more than 100 new and old radio stations in Taiwan, since the opening of radio frequencies in 1993, which have brought about the age of a diversity and a multi-channel ecology for radio industries. The relationship between radio listeners and producers has been changed from one-way to two-way or interactive communication. The role of listeners' feedback in the minds of communicators is worth exploring. This research is to examine listeners' feedback in the minds of communicators and to reflect the role of listeners' feedback in a multichannel radio ecology. Nineteen senior radio programming managers, hosts, and producers were invited to have in-depth interviews. According to the results, compared to old radio stations, several new radio stations value listeners' feedback toward programs and stations. Most of the radio stations seek for listeners' feedback through effects evaluation in the post-production stage. Only few radio stations seek for listeners' feedback in the pre-production stage. Furthermore, the relationships between radio listeners and producers are either limited (one-way) feedback or zero (without) feedback, few are free (interactive) feedback.
起訖頁 141-166
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 199707 (10期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 傳播科技的另一種選擇──我國隱藏式字幕的政策研究




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