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The Independence Campaign of East Timor, America's Interventionism, and Hegemonic Stability
作者 宋學文黃子哲
自從一九七五年印尼兼併東帝汶後,東帝汶獨立運動就不曾間斷,印尼為了壓制東帝汶的分離主義,於是在東帝汶施行高壓的軍事統治,印尼侵犯東帝汶人權的情亦時有所聞。但在冷戰的大環境下,當時對東帝汶議題具有影響力的美國相當重視反共的印尼政府及其重要的戰略地理價值,因而並不支持具有左派色彩的東帝汶獨立運動。冷戰結束後,不但意識型態不再主導美國的外交政策,而且美國在國際體系之權力結構中已逐漸挾其超強(superpower)的地位採行「全國自霸權」(America's Liberal Hegemony)的外交策略。在此種美國自由霸權之外交政策下,美國以人道之名遂行對外干預逐漸增加,進一步強化了其自由干預主義(interventionism)的傾向。對於美國在東帝汶的干預行動以及最後東帝終於走向獨立之路,本文作者認為此一議題反映了美國在外交上之干預政策,其中包括干預政策之正當性、干預條件之分析、干預策略之運用等。針對這些干預政策本文不但從實務面去分析美國對東帝汶之干預政策,更從霸權穩定論(美國自由霸權)提出美國干預主義之理論依據。最後,透過美國在東帝汶之干預及其理論分析,我們認為,新的美國自由霸權下的干預主義並不同於冷戰時期由權力平衡觀念所衍生的霸權穩定論,也有異於自由主義對人道干預之理想色彩,而是結合了傳統霸權理與自由民主之價值而形成之一種新的干預主義。
The independence campaign of East Timor has gone through ceaseless suppression by the Indonesian government since 1975. Due to considerations of strategic cooperation with Indonesia against communism, the United States did not adopt any humanitarian intervention policy in East Timor during the Cold War era. The change of international system in the post Cold War era has, however, encouraged the United States to adopt more humanitarian intervention in her foreign policy. The most recent is US deep intervention in East Timor's independence movement and hence the success of the island's independence.By analyzing of the indepence campaign in East Timor, we conclude that US interventionism is, indeed, based on hegemonic stability theory. However, America's liberal hegemony in the past Cold War esa must be distinguished from traditional hegemony. Unlike its counterpart's assertion of military power, the new form of America's liberal hegemony situates its intervention policy between human rights and balance of power consideration. By exploiting multilateralism, US interventionism will continue to maneuver between human rights liberalism and realistic national interests.
起訖頁 83-107
關鍵詞 東帝汶美國干預主義美國自由霸權霸權穩定論East TimorUS interventionismAmerica's liberal hegemonyhegemonic stability
刊名 問題與研究  
期數 200205 (41:3期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 九0年代日本派閥政治之分析
該期刊-下一篇 從後共波蘭國會大選探討其政治穩定性




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