Mindfulness training has been developed in research and practicum for many years in Taiwan. This paper provides a review of 45 mindfulness outcome studies from journals and dissertations in Taiwan. The researchers first categorize each study by author, publication year, study aims, participants, design, measurements, and outcomes. Then, they provide an overview of the salutary effects of mindfulness. Results show that: 1. The 45 studies explore widespread aspects and people, drawing upon research findings that are comparable with research in Western contexts; 2. Empirical research that includes between-subjects design has found that the short-term effects of mindfulness include cognitive, emotional, and mental health benefits; 3. Clear and effective research design, correct execution, and adequate assessments are imperative for outcome research to provide practical applications; 4. When no significant effects are found, qualitative research shows that subject variability and the effectiveness of mindfulness training/trainers should be considered.