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The Effect of High Intensity Simulated race Fitness Training of Male Taekwondo Athletes on Heart Rate
作者 黃信捷 (Hsing-Chieh Huang)劉小嫻 (Xiao-Xian Liu)Chien-Chang Ho蔡明志 (Ming-Chih Tsia)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of physical training on the Heart Rate levels in men’s Taekwondo Players at 4 weeks of High Intensity Simulated race Fitness Training. Methods: This study was based on 12 male college students, subjects were randomly assigned to experimental group 6 and control group 6, in the experimental group were 4 weeks of High Intensity Simulated race Fitness Training Simulation, the control group were normal training schedule. When before and after training, all the subjects were required to do the fitness and biological sampling. The obtained data were Nonparametric Statistics - independent sample - test and paired sample test, two groups before and after the test. Results: First, after 4 week high strength simulation game after physical training, the experimental group in the pretest and posttest, first to 3 rounds,1, 3, 5, 7, 9 minutes after exercise heart rate, the nonparametric test p<.05 significant difference; second, 4 weeks of high intensity simulated game after physical training, experiment group in the pretest and posttest of resting heart rate, the nonparametric test p>.05, no significant difference. Conclusion: First, after There was no significant difference in the quiet heart rate between male and Taekwondo Athletes in the 4 week high intensity physical training. Second, after 4 weeks of High Intensity Simulated race Fitness Training, can effectively reduce the men’s Taekwondo Athletes in the Sport heart rate in each round of the Heart Rate, to enhance the performance of aerobic endurance athletes. Third, after 4 weeks of High Intensity Simulated race Fitness Training, can effectively improve the physical fitness of men’s Taekwondo Players after the exercise Heart Rate recovery rate, improve the ability of players to have oxygen recovery.
起訖頁 025-037
關鍵詞 模擬比賽專項體能訓練監控Simulation gameSpecial physical abilityTraining monitoring
刊名 跆拳道學刊  
期數 201612 (3期)
出版單位 台灣跆拳道運動學會
DOI 10.3966/251969952016120003003   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 大專跆拳道品勢動作難易度之主觀認知分析
該期刊-下一篇 2008年北京奧林匹克運動會跆拳道銅牌得主-宋玉麒成才歷程探究




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