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A Comparative Study of the Three Beginning Senior High School Principals’ Management Model in the First Year
作者 林志慎
曾擔任多位美國總統幕僚的 David Gergen 說,「每位執政者之成敗,往往只在上台後前一百天,就決定了四年任期的績效」,這意味著一位剛上任的領導者,在執政初期的種種作為,已經決定往後執政成績。校長是一所學校的領航者,面臨如何透過行政組織、經營策略,來展現自己的理念,特別是其剛上任的作為對學校、自身經驗,也將產生重大影響。本研究聚焦三種不同進路出身(分別有國小校長轉任國中校長、國中主任考取國中校長、教育處督學轉任國中校長)的初任校長,第一年在學校經營各面向的研究,了解不同甄選進路的初任校長學校經營之差異性,並整理、歸納不同背景出身的初任校長在校務經營模式有何不同,提供未來初任校長學校經營的經驗參考,讓初任校長能夠輕鬆面對在學校經營上的各項挑戰,並提出政策面建議。
Many who had served as chief of staff of the U.S. president, said David Gergen, the success or failure of each of those in power, often only after a hundred days before taking office, will determine the performance of four-year term, which means that a newly appointed leader In all the initial ruling as it had been decided back in power results. School principal is a leader, how to face an administrative organization, business strategy, to show their ideas, especially its newly appointed as schools, their own experience, will also have a significant impact.
The study focused in three different approaches to birth (there were junior high school principals elementary school principals transferred, Junior Officers admitted junior high school principals, Department of Education inspectors transferred to the Principal State) beginning principals in the first year of operations research each oriented at school, to understand the different selection the approach of beginning principals beginning principals school management differences, and organize, summarize background in different operating modes in school any different, newly appointed principal of the school to provide future operations of the experience, so that novice principals can easily face on school management of the challenges, and propose policies fostering principals face recommendations.
起訖頁 076-097
關鍵詞 初任校長校務經營比較研究Beginning principalsschool management
刊名 學校行政  
期數 201703 (108期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 一位初任校長坎坷路:側記
該期刊-下一篇 教師專業標準的理論與應用




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