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The Tough Journeys of a Beginning Principal: the Records of a Spectator
作者 焦熙昌
The experiences of leadership of school affairs and school management for beginning principals are usually insufficient; however, they eager to have the best and the most appropriate beginning for the life of school principals. Yet, most of schools that the beginning principals first serve are often inferior to others and have a lot of problems. Is it possible to promote the development of the school affairs and lead the school to a better way successfully? Apparently, solving the problems is the fate of the beginning principals. The writer played the role as a narrative researcher in the process of the study. He recorded the responses of related school colleagues, staff, and members. The reactions and dialogues among them were taken down as organizational discourses and diary. Furthermore, the researcher explored and reflected on another negative case of a beginning principal L who lacked experiences of school general affairs. In the case, the beginning principal received administrative counseling but finally failed in change due to the wrong change attitudes – the school which needed to be reorganized and changed but didn’t do it. The final suggestion based on the study is that the more complicated and multiple problems the principals experience, the less fear when they encounter challenges; through observation, reflection, and learning growth, the beginning principals overcome the difficulties and accumulate wisdom.
起訖頁 054-075
關鍵詞 初任校長敘說研究欠缺總務經驗beginning principalnarrative researcherlacked experiences of school general affairs
刊名 學校行政  
期數 201703 (108期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 特殊學校校長領導踐行之研究
該期刊-下一篇 三位國中初任校長第一年校務經營模式之比較研究




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