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A Study on the Relationship between Chinese and Western Leaders’ Models and School Effectiveness: Take the Structural Equation Model Verification as an Example
作者 楊慶麟 (Ching-Lin Yang)蔡素惠
This study is aimed to explore the relationships among principals’ distributed leadership, paternal leadership, teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and school effectiveness for elementary school in Taiwan. The approach adopted questionnaires and using stratified random sampling to investigate 1500 samples that include principals and teachers from 200 schools. Collecting data were analyzed by the statistical methods of descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, canonical correlation, and SEM.
The conclusions are as follows:
1. The view of primary school teachers on school principals about distributed leadership, paternalistic leadership, organizational citizenship behavior and school effectiveness of school arrives middle high degree.
2. There is a high degree of correlation between Chinese and Western leaders, and the correlation between teacher organizational citizenship behavior and school effectiveness is middle low.
3. Teacher organizational citizenship behavior is an intermediary variable between the two leadership and school effectiveness.
4. Distributed leadership can improve school effectiveness, on the contrary , because of authoritarian leadership , parental leadership will make the school performance decline.
The suggestions are as follows:
1. During the process of principals’ cultivation and evaluation, emphasized that the distributional leadership and paternalistic leadership connotation
2. Principal makes good use of the distributed leadership knowledge and raises benevolent and moral characteristic, more communicates with the members at right time, the suitable delegation to others, and avoid authoritarian leadership style.
3. Encourages teachers to try a different position to enhance the identity of school organizations.
4. In response to the innovative leadership of modern society, futureresearch may convert dimension “authoritarian leadership” into a “prestige leadership”.
起訖頁 027-051
關鍵詞 分布式領導家長式領導教師組織公民行為學校效能distributed leadershipparental leadershipschool effectivenessteachers’organizational citizenship behavior(OCB)
刊名 學校行政  
期數 201611 (106期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 跨越偏鄉教育紅海困境─從非主學科跨年級混齡教學開始
該期刊-下一篇 國民中學組織創新氣氛對教師創新教學影響之研究:以心理資本為中介




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