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The Nursing Experience of Caring a Maternal Patient for Drug-abuse Infected with HIV
作者 陳雅伶朱美玲胡瑞桃
The case report described the nursing experience of caring a 36-year-old HIV-infected maternal with pregnancy at 35 weeks who accept caesarian operation at post-partum ward. The case was HIV infected via drug injection. Her husband is the only son and parents-in-law hope the couple to bear a child. The case hided her HIV-infected condition and refused her parents-in-laws to visit and care during the hospitalization. The case also asked the medical staff not to disclose her HIV-infected status to her parents-in-law and all other relatives, exception of her husband and her mother. The nursing period was from January 24, to January 29 in 2013 according to Roy Adaptation Model as a nursing framework. Interviews, observation, and physical examination were implemented to confirm three major health problems, which included acute pain/caesarean operation wound, anxiety/neonatal infection and neonatal care, and social interaction disorders / to occult AIDS. Through medical team and according to the cases of health problems to establish a trust relationship and nursing interventions, including the use of pain control to reduce the pain after surgery and discomfort in order to promote her comfort, to provide the information and home care of HIV-infected mother affecting on her baby, to provide neonatal care techniques for preventing infection, and to arrange the appropriate timing for her parents-in-law and other relatives to visit in the hospital. After the interventions, improve the case postpartum pain and discomfort. Also the case accepts her parents-in-law to visit. The case was discharged two months later via telephone interview through the case consent. The case has actively and frankly informed HIV-infected facts to her parents-in-law, and also obtained understandings and supports from them. In addition, her newborns also received regular and adequate treatment. The AIDS virus may infect to the newborn through the delivery and breastfeeding process. The report suggestions that the newborn should be regularly followed up, so that early treatment and continuous care can be provided. The results of nursing experience will provide proper clinical care as a reference for similar HIV-infected maternal cases in the future.
起訖頁 434-444
關鍵詞 吸毒感染愛滋病產婦drug infectionAIDSmaternal
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201609 (27:3期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
DOI 10.3966/102673012016092703012   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 一位初次遷居護理之家老人之護理經驗
該期刊-下一篇 照顧一位因腦中風後長期臥床病人之居家護理經驗




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