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Home Care Experience for a Bed-ridden Patient with Stroke
作者 程珮瑜賴美玉 (Mei-Yu Lai)
This case report describes a home health care experience of caring a 65 years old patient who was long-term bed-ridden resulting from stroke. From July 15th to December 16th 2013, the author collected data through home visiting, observation, communication, physical assessment and history taking, as well as receiving information from patient’s son. . Gordon’s 11-item functional health pattern was applied to assess the patient’s problems. Three nursing problems were identified, including the risk of infection, impaired skin integrity, and impaired physical mobility. A mutual trust relationship was established through creating a good communication experience with the patient and family members during the nursing care. The caring knowledge was provided such as prevention of urinary tract infection, wound caring, and the technique of changing position. In addition, education was provided to help maintain patient’s muscle power to improve extremities and joints activities by performing PROM. Information about applying supportive devices was also provided. Caregivers’ and patients’ confidence can be enhanced through supportive systems and appropriate caring skills to release their pressure and anxiety so that the quality of life can be improved.
起訖頁 445-455
關鍵詞 腦中風長期臥床居家護理CVAlong-term bed-riddenhome health care
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201609 (27:3期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
DOI 10.3966/102673012016092703013   複製DOI
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該期刊-下一篇 用通訊軟體LINE促進視障家庭糖尿病飲食自我管理之護理經驗




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