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Promoting Nurse Ability to Perform Integrity of Critical Patient’s Pain Assessment under Transtheoretical model
作者 呂欣衿邱存梅王斐雯
Pain has been listed as the fifth vital sign. Taiwan Pain Society has actively promoted the ""Painless Hospital"" in order to solve the pain problems of patients and enhance the quality of care. The project was conducted at a neurosurgical intensive care unit. Before this project, the completion rate of pain assessment was 48.9%. The reason included : overlooking, lack of time for pain assessment, and passive attitude toward conducting pain assessment and management. The improvement project time period was from January 1, to September 30, 2012. After analyzing the current procedures, according to literature review based on transtheoretical model to convert pain assessment and treatment to internal behaviors, the strategies included: (1) revising pain assessment tool; (2) providing information for pain assessment; (3) revising procedure of pain assessment and management; (4) posting pain slogans; (5) wearing paincontrol sign ; and (6) electing pain control angel to improve awareness. After the improvement project, the completion rate of pain assessment and management increased from 48.9% to 98.9%. The project has improved the pain assessment and management in clinical settings.
起訖頁 353-367
關鍵詞 跨理論模式重症病人疼痛評估處置transtheoretical modelcritical patientsassessment and treatment of pain
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201609 (27:3期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
DOI 10.3966/102673012016092703005   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 16-25歲第1型糖尿病患轉換期之疾病衝擊與照護趨勢
該期刊-下一篇 提昇急診重症病人轉送安全完整性




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