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Enhancing Transfer Safety of Critically Ill Patients in ED
作者 戴國斌蘇淑櫻劉珮君王怡婷 (I-Ting Wang)陳麗貞 (Li-Chen Chen)
Patient safety is highly valued around the world. Since 2013, the Joint Commission of Taiwan (JCT) has been promoting the standard operating procedures (SOP) of patient transferring, including risk assessment, proper staff allocation, well-equipped facility, and a transfer process standard. In 2012, the emergency department (ED) in our hospital has found 94 abnormal events of transferring critically ill patients, which motivated the medical staff to develop strategies to reduce the chance of unsafe transferring. The objective of the project is to enhance safety of transferring critically ill patients in ED to 99%. After literature review and discussions, the following strategies were introduced: 1) developing the pretransfer checklist; 2) revising the SOP of patient transfer; 3) developing an oxygen cylinder duration chart; 4) organizing hands-on staff trainings; 5) setting up access control function at ED-only elevators; and 6) developing an audit program for SOP. The percentage of patient being safely transferred from ED to ICU has increased from 76.8% to 99.3%. We expect zero abnormality in transferring critically ill patients by sharing patient transfer SOP with nurses.
起訖頁 368-376
關鍵詞 急診轉送安全emergencytransfersafety
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201609 (27:3期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
DOI 10.3966/102673012016092703006   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 運用跨理論模式提升護理人員對重症病人疼痛評估處置完整性
該期刊-下一篇 恢復室轉送員執行術後病人轉送安全之改善專案




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