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臺灣幼兒園園長分布式領導之困境與展望   全文下載 全文下載
Difficulties and Prospects of Distributed Leadership Development for Preschool Directors in Taiwan
作者 劉乙儀 (Yi-Yi Liu)

本研究採用文獻分析(literature review)瞭解分布式領導的定義、理論、發展歷程以及相關研究,並深入探討臺灣幼兒園執行園長分布式領導之困境與展望,以利未來相關研究參考。而臺灣幼兒園園長分布式領導可從學術研究(定義、研究範圍、研究方法)與幼兒園實施園長分布式領導現況(園長角色、組織架構、教師角色)加以探究之。本研究依據文獻分析結果,提出以下建議:(一)著手研擬幼兒園園長分布式領導之內涵;(二)激發幼兒園園長實踐分布式領導之信念;(三)增進學前教育人員參與園務計畫之意願。


This study conducted literature review to understand the definition, theory, development process, and relevant studies of distributed leadership. The difficulties and prospects of the implementation of distributed leadership by preschool directors in Taiwan were explored; the result can be a reference for future studies. Specifically, the distributed leadership of the preschool directors was understood by reviewing the academic studies (including term definition, research scope, and research methods) and investigating the directors’ current implementation of distributed leadership in preschools (involving the role of preschool directors, organizational structure, and the role of teachers).Therefore, below are the proposals made by this study to develop distributed leadership development for preschool directors
I. Work on the sketch of the meaning of distributed leadership in preschool.
II. Excite the concept of distributed leadership in preschool.
III. Enhance intentions for participation in the preschool’s administration of preschool educators.

起訖頁 061-080
關鍵詞 分布式領導幼兒園園長教保服務人員distributed leadership preschoolpreschool directorpreschool educator
刊名 學校行政  
期數 201501 (95期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.3966/160683002015010095004   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 政府遷臺初期高等教育的擴展與評述:1950至1959年
該期刊-下一篇 國民小學教師正向領導與學生學習表現關係之研究




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