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以詮釋現象學觀點看新住民教材及其閱讀經驗   全文下載 全文下載
In view of Hermeneutic Phenomenology to See Foreign Spouses’ Teaching Materials and Their Reading Experiences
作者 李玉蘭 (Yu-Lan Lee)
Phenomenology is the exploration of human experience with the attempts to revert to the discourse of " humanism." This article uses Edmund Husserl's phenomenology points of view and the perspective of hermeneutic phenomenon to discuss the foreign spouses' cultural adaptation in Taiwan. This research purposes contain the discussion on teaching materials for foreign spouses, their reading experiences, and cultural adaption. Applying to phenomenology method, the study tried to identify the cultural adaption problems the foreign spouses have encountered and the possible solutions to those problems. By doing so, the study provides the possibility to improve and transform the curriculum and materials for the foreign spouses to have a better inclusion in the new social contexts.
The main purpose of the study is to investigate the foreign spouses' reading experiences toward the learning materials by phenomenological methodology. We interviewed five participants to gather the depth meaning of interpretation and then present the findings in a thematic way. The article utilizes Husserl's phenomenology as an empirical method. The major concepts consist of epoche, intentionality, descriptive perspectives, and three structure forms that include presence and absence, parts and wholes, identity and manifold. experience Description of phenomenological methodology is to reveal the structure of existence context instead of being limited to the reduction and description from the participants.
The results found that the foreign spouses' reading experiences can be categorized into students, teachers, and administration three dimensions.
With respect to students dimension, the main reason for the foreign spouses to come to Taiwan is to reduce economical problems of theirown families. Language and cultural gaps cause adaption difficulties in family and life. The participants need their husbands' support to understand place names, manners and customs in Taiwan. They are eager to absorb useful knowledge in terms of residence, job, divorce, repatriation, inheritance, and property to protect their children and themselves. Besides, they also need to set up counseling and support system for the females from their motherland. With the system, they can not only assist the newcomers to adapt the environment in a short time, but also represent the suffering sisters to negotiate with the government authorities. As for the teacher dimension, the curriculum design and teaching should consider the foreign spouses' target language ability. Teachers can play the roles of career counselor and help the students prepare interview and communicate with the interviewer to get a better chance of job and promotion.
With regard to administration, the authorities should reduce the textbooks into easier and recitable chants. Moreover, the content ought to be modified according to the contextualized factors. Furthermore, the edition of learning materials display the cultural hegemony of educational reform. The phenomenon imply the curriculum and materials do not get rid of the compulsory administrational cultural model. Those three dimensions construct the foreign spouses' reading experiences and feelings.
Based on the results, the study provides suggestions for curriculum transformation and modification. First, the study presents the foreign spouses' reading experiences so as to facilitate indepth comprehension toward their subjectivity. Secondly, opinions from the educated foreign spouses offer valuable insights for reexamining the materials, giving critical suggestions, and helping material modification by empowerment process. Thirdly, the curriculum should fulfill the subjectivity of foreign spouse education to reduce cultural domination and emphasis on the cultural of mother Country.
起訖頁 001-024
關鍵詞 新住民現象學詮釋現象學賦權文化霸權foreign spousephenomenologyhermeneutic phenomenologyempowermentcultural domination
刊名 學校行政  
期數 201407 (92期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.3966/160683002014070092001   複製DOI
該期刊-下一篇 由Peter McLaren「批判的多元文化主義」反思教師圖像




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