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偏遠地區教師專業發展的困境與突破   全文下載 全文下載
Those Engaged in the Professional Development of Teachers in Remote Schools Difficulties and Suggestions
作者 許振家 (Chen-Chia Hsu)吳秋慧 (Chiu-hui Wu)
"This study aimed to investigate the difficulties of the road and break through professional development of teachers in remote schools. Research question want to understand, what is the difficulties of professional development of teachers in remote schools? And how can to change the situation? The study adopted interviews targeted school of teachers. The study found the difficulties of teachers in remote schools can be divided into: access to dangerous and inconvenience traffic, and traffic time factors that affect the willingness to participate in service training; take care of the housework, family consent; teachers have no intention; speak style of professional development less help. Professional development to overcome the difficulties of advice: the proposed education authorities handled in winter and summer learning, online learning and increased hours; the proposed study units to provide child care services, and personal factors in incentives to encourage teachers to develop lifelong learning habits; learning a second expertise. "
起訖頁 108-126
關鍵詞 偏遠地區教師專業發展的困境專業發展的突破teachers in remote schoolsteacher professional development difficultiesprofessional development surmount
刊名 學校行政  
期數 201403 (90期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.3966/160683002014030090005   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 幼教人員數位行政建設對數位行政績效的影響:數位實用價值與數位專業表現的中介作用
該期刊-下一篇 大專院校特色課程的新思維:以歐盟、香港之資歷架構為例




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